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United States – Texas: constitutional and immigration crisis.


International News: Texas Immigration Crisis

The constitutional and immigration crisis in Texas, centering on a city park on the U.S.-Mexico border that has become a center of debate. There is a dispute between the Texas government and Joe Biden’s federal government regarding access to the park.

Texas Government vs. Federal government

  • The governor of Texas, a Republican, wants to increase border security through the use of barbed wire, while the Biden administration opposes this approach.
  • The case reached the Federal Supreme Court, which temporarily allowed federal agents to enter the park and remove the barbed wire. However, this decision is not final.

Immigration Crisis

  • The number of illegal immigrants detained at the US-Mexico border has increased significantly.
  • During Trump’s presidency, there was an attempt to control illegal migration by building a wall along the entire southern border. However, construction was halted during the Biden administration.
  • The Texas government began its own barrier construction project and used the National Guard to support it.
  • Despite the Federal Supreme Court’s order allowing federal agents access to remove barriers, construction continues with additional barbed wire.
  • A caravan of approximately 5 million people from Central America is expected to arrive in Mexico in 2024, further worsening the crisis.

Challenges of irregular migration

The dangers and challenges associated with irregular migration across borders.

Increase in illegal immigration

  • The number of arrests of illegal immigrants attempting to enter the U.S. illegally has increased significantly in recent years.
  • In 2018, an average of 50 thousand people were apprehended per month. However, this average increased to 230 thousand in 2022 and 2023.

Dangers and lack of information

  • Irregular migration poses risks, including deaths during dangerous crossings.
  • The lack of information and access to legal channels contributes to individuals attempting irregular migration.
  • Even children are involved in these dangerous journeys.

France’s opposition to the Mercosur-EU trade agreement

French President Emmanuel Macron’s opposition to the Mercosur-European Union trade agreement and its potential impact on negotiations.

Macron’s opposition

  • Macron considers the trade agreement between Mercosur and the EU to be outdated and poorly patched.
  • He urged the president of the European Commission to abandon negotiations with Mercosur.

Potential consequences

  • The deal, which has been negotiated for more than 20 years, could risk collapsing without French support.
  • Germany is trying to salvage parts of the agreement that are crucial to its industrial sector, particularly car production.

Concerns of the agricultural sector

  • The French agricultural sector, along with Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland and other countries, opposes the trade deal due to concerns about competition from foreign markets and potential reductions in productivity caused by environmental regulations.

Israel’s Plan for Gaza Control

Israel’s plan to gain military control over Gaza after the end of the conflict with Hamas.

Israeli intentions

  • Israel intends to establish military control over Gaza as soon as the conflict with Hamas ends.
  • Undercover soldiers entered a hospital in Jordan to capture someone related to this plan.

Medical Assistance and Military Operations in Gaza

The use of silenced weapons by the military during medical assistance operations in Gaza. The army claims the hospital was being used as a hideout for Ramaz members. International mediators are pushing for a new ceasefire, but operations continue in Gaza.

Use of silenced weapons and Army demands

  • The military used weapons with silencers during medical assistance operations.
  • The army claims the hospital was being used as a hideout for Ramaz members.

International Mediation and Continuing Operations

  • International mediators are pushing for a new ceasefire.
  • Despite international pressure, operations continue in Gaza.

Intense combat and the prime minister’s stance

The intensification of the fighting and its shift towards the border with Egypt. Prime Minister Benjamin Nani rejects the withdrawal of troops from Gaza, which is a demand by Ramaz to end the war.

Combat Intensification

  • The fighting becomes more intense and advances towards the border with Egypt.
  • Palestinians flee areas where fighting is most intense.

Prime Minister’s position on troop withdrawal

  • Prime Minister Benjamin Nani refuses to withdraw troops from Gaza.
  • He claims they will only stop when all objectives have been achieved, including the elimination of Ramaz, the release of hostages and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel.

Plans for post-war control of Gaza

Israel’s plans for post-war control of Gaza. Defense Minister Oav Gallant says that Israel will maintain military control over Palestinian territory, similar to what is already happening in South Jordan.

Israeli control in the post-war scenario

  • Defense Minister Oav Gallant says Israel will maintain military control in Gaza.
  • The plan is similar to the current situation in South Jordan.

Challenges of the ceasefire and widespread violence

The challenges of achieving a ceasefire and widespread violence between groups. Despite international pressure, it is difficult to establish a ceasefire at this time.

Challenges of the ceasefire

  • It is a challenge to achieve a ceasefire at this time.
  • Recent events in South Jordan demonstrate widespread violence between groups.

International Ceasefire Discussion

  • The international community, including Qatar, Egypt and the United States, calls for reduced-scale confrontations.
  • Critics suggest uniformed presentations and attempts to arrest fighters with resistance that lead to annihilation or elimination.

Political consequences and threats from the opposition

The political consequences of a potential ceasefire agreement. Minority radical parties threaten to leave the government if a ceasefire agreement is reached. However, there are signs that opposition parties could form a future government.

Political consequences of the ceasefire agreement

  • Minority radical parties threaten to leave the government if a ceasefire agreement includes the release of prisoners for Palestinians under Israeli control.
  • Opposition parties are ready to form a future government, which could lead to significant policy changes regarding settlements in South Jordan.

Possibility of Pause in Intense Bombings

There may be a lull in the intense shelling. Recent indicators include increased attacks by Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Nani’s meeting with hostage families.

Indicators of possible pause in bombings

  • Israel has launched more attacks recently compared to previous weeks.
  • Prime Minister Benjamin Nani’s meeting with hostage families indicates progress towards a potential agreement.

Hope for agreement and call for peace

The hope of an agreement and the release of hostages, emphasizing the search for peace.

Hope for agreement and release of hostages

  • There is hope that an agreement will be reached soon.
  • The release of the hostages is eagerly awaited.
  • The desire for peace remains strong.

Gold looted by the British in Ghana sparks debate about pieces in European museums.


The reunion with tradition and the past through historical objects.

Items from the Collection of the Royal Treasury Museum of Portugal

  • The museum has a collection called “Gold and Diamonds of Brazil”, which includes a gold nugget weighing more than 20 kilos extracted in Goiás in the 18th century.
  • There is a debate about the return of these Brazilian items to the colonies, including Brazil.

Returns and Loans of Historical Objects

  • Denmark has confirmed that it will send a Tupinambá cloak to the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro. This cloak was made by indigenous Brazilians between the 16th and 17th centuries and was in Denmark for more than 300 years.
  • There is still no confirmed date for the display of this mantle at the national museum.
  • British museums are sending treasures to Ghana in an exhibition open to the public. The loan of the pieces has an initial duration of three years, with the possibility of renewal.
  • A British law prevents objects stored in some national institutions from being returned to their countries of origin, aiming to protect historical objects.

British Law Challenge

  • The British law preventing the return of objects is contested both inside and outside the United Kingdom.
  • Critics argue that the law prevents pieces from being returned to their countries of origin, even when they were looted or obtained unfairly.

Negotiations and Future Possibilities

Ongoing negotiations and future possibilities related to the return of historical objects.

Extension of Returns

  • Some groups argue that the possibility of return should also be extended to objects looted by the British during the colonial period.
  • The negotiation of the loan with Ghana was done directly with the current Ashanti king, and not with the government of Ghana.

Return Discussions

  • There are ongoing discussions about the return of historical objects looted by Nazis between 1933 and 1945.
  • These discussions also involve the possibility of returning objects looted by the British during the colonial period.

Exhibition at the National Museum

There is still no confirmed date for the exhibition at the National Museum. The treasures sent by British museums to Ghana are also part of an exhibition open to the public. However, this exhibition has not yet started and already has a scheduled end date.

The loan of the pieces will last for three years, with the possibility of renewal for another three years.

Exhibition date at the National Museum

  • There is still no confirmed date for the exhibition of the pieces at the National Museum.
  • The treasures sent by British museums will also be part of an exhibition open to the public.

Duration of parts loan

  • The loan of the parts will last for three years.
  • There is the possibility of renewing the loan for another three years.

British law on the return of historic objects

A 1983 British law prevents objects stored in some national institutions from being returned to their countries of origin.

This law aims to protect historical objects, preventing them from being used as bargaining chips or sold by museum directors. However, this law is contested and generates resentment towards colonialism.

British law restrictions

  • British law prevents objects stored in some national institutions from being returned to their countries of origin.
  • The purpose of the law is to protect historical objects and prevent their misuse.

Challenge to the law

  • The law is contested both within the UK and internationally.
  • Critics argue that the law prevents the return of pieces to their original owners and fuels resentment towards colonialism.

Challenge to British law

British law on the return of historic objects is widely contested. Some argue that it prevents the return of pieces to their original owners, generating resentment towards colonialism.

A change in the law allowed the return of objects looted by the Nazis between 1933 and 1945, and there are groups that argue that this possibility should also be extended to objects looted by the British during the colonial period.

Challenge to British law

  • The law on the return of historical objects is hotly contested.
  • Critics say it prevents the return of pieces to their original owners, generating resentment towards colonialism.

Change in law

  • A change in legislation allowed the return of objects looted by the Nazis between 1933 and 1945.
  • There are groups that argue that this possibility should also be extended to objects looted by the British during the colonial period.

Loan negotiation with Ghana

The negotiation of the loan of the pieces with Ghana was done directly with the current king, and not with the government of Ghana. The government claimed that it could not accept a return that was not final. Negotiations remain ongoing.

Loan negotiation

  • The loan of the pieces was negotiated directly with the current king.
  • The Ghanaian government claimed that it would only accept a definitive return of the parts.

Continuity of negotiations

  • Negotiations between the parties involved remain ongoing.
  • There is no information about a final outcome at this time.

Cryogenics: freezing bodies in search of eternal life.


Cryogenics and its history, focusing on the idea of ​​freezing bodies in search of eternal life.

Cryonics and Frozen Bodies

  • Cryonics is the practice of freezing bodies in the hope of future rebirth.
  • The concept was first presented in a report by Cidinha Campos on Programa Fantástico in 1973.
  • The initial report was lost in a fire, but the program continued to explore cryonics over the years.
  • Currently, there are 190 people frozen and 2,000 on the waiting list for cryogenic preservation.

Science behind cryonics

The science behind cryonics and how bodies are preserved at extremely low temperatures.

Cryonic Preservation Process

  • Cryonic preservation involves a combination of engineering, chemistry, physics and biology.
  • Alcor, located in Arizona, USA, houses tanks full of bodies frozen at -196°C (-320°F).
  • The company refers to preserved individuals as “patients” and not “corpses.”
  • The ability includes preservation of the entire body and preservation of only the head.

Ancient History and Hope for Revival

The early history of cryonic preservation and the hope that science will one day be able to revive these preserved individuals.

First cases and hope for revival

  • The first officially recorded case of human cryopreservation dates back to 1966, in California.
  • Initially, there was hope that science would find a way to revive these preserved individuals.
  • Alcor currently has 47 full-body patients and capacity for five head-only patients.

Personal motivations for cryonics

The personal motivations of individuals who choose cryonics preservation and their desire for a second chance in life.

Personal motivations

  • Vinícius, a 29-year-old Canadian, is paying to be cryopreserved.
  • He has always been interested in longevity and health, wanting to have a second chance at life.
  • Initially, his friends thought it was strange, but later they became intrigued by the idea.
  • Cryonics companies have competitors in Europe and the United States.

Cryonic Preservation Process

The process of cryonic preservation, including immediate cooling after death and replacement of blood with a protective mixture.

Cryonic Preservation Process

  • After death, the body is immediately cooled in an ice bath before being transported to the cryonics facility.
  • The blood is replaced with a protective mixture that protects the cells during freezing.
  • The final step involves placing the bodies upside down in large containers filled with liquid nitrogen.

Challenges and future possibilities

Some challenges faced by cryonics, such as the formation of ice crystals, and discuss future possibilities, such as connecting preserved brains to robotic bodies.

Challenges and future possibilities

  • The formation of ice crystals during freezing poses a significant challenge to cell preservation.
  • Researchers are working on methods to prevent ice crystals from forming and protect cells during freezing.
  • The ultimate goal is to revive preserved brains by connecting them to new bodies or humanoid robots.

Water as the enemy of cryonics

Water as a major obstacle in cryonics due to its ability to form harmful ice crystals.

Formation of water and ice crystals

  • Water, which makes up about 70% of the human body, forms ice crystals when freezing.
  • These ice crystals can cause serious damage to cells.
  • Cryonics researchers aim to overcome this challenge by developing cryoprotectants that prevent the formation of ice crystals.

Cryopreservation in other fields

Cryopreservation techniques used in other areas, such as preserving coral reefs and creating a sperm bank for corals.

Cryopreservation in other fields

  • Cryopreservation is also used to preserve coral reefs and create a sperm bank for coral species.
  • Various cryoprotectants are used externally and internally to protect cells during freezing.

The effects of freezing on different substances

The effects of freezing on different substances, specifically alcohol and sugar solutions. They transfer the contents of four tubes containing different substances into jars of dry ice.

Solutions for freezing alcohol and sugar

  • When transferred to jars of dry ice, the tomatoes and grapes in the control group become extremely hard, while the other tubes containing alcohol, sugar and a mixture of alcohol and sugar manage to maintain some level of integrity.
  • Scientists aim to achieve vitrification, where living material resembles the glass-like frozen state without biochemical reactions or cellular aging.
  • Vitrification can be useful for preserving organs for transplantation without the need for rushed procedures.
  • Researchers at the University of Minnesota successfully vitrified a mouse kidney using a protective mixture and transplanted it into another mouse after three months of frozen storage.

Resuscitation and cryonics experiments

Resuscitation and cryonics experiments. It mentions the rebirth of worms after 46,000 years in the Siberian ice, as well as human cryopreservation efforts.

Resuscitation experiments

  • The worms were revived after being frozen for 46,000 years in the Siberian ice.
  • The people shown in frozen tanks were legally dead when they were cryopreserved.
  • Cryonics technicians work quickly to improve the quality of vitrification, cooling patients’ bodies using ice baths and performing chest compressions to circulate cooler blood.

Cryonic Procedures

  • After declaring the patient officially dead, he is placed in an ice bath to lower his body temperature, especially his brain.
  • Surgeons access major blood vessels through thoracic surgery to pump preservation fluids instead of blood.
  • Once all steps are completed, the patient is transferred to a permanent storage location, such as the Cryonics Institute in Michigan or Alcor.
  • Some families even charter planes to quickly transport bodies for cryopreservation.

The Church of Perpetual Life and Longevity

The Church of Perpetual Life in Florida, founded by a businessman named Bill Faloon. The church focuses on sharing information about how to live longer, healthier lives and has connections to cryonics.

The Church of Perpetual Life

  • The Church of Perpetual Life was founded in 2013 in Florida by Bill Faloon.
  • Despite its name, the church has no religious affiliation, but emphasizes eternal life in the present.
  • Many members of the community are interested in both longevity and cryonics.
  • Bill Faloon and his 26-year-old son take several supplements, medications, exercise regularly, and have plans for cryopreservation if their current efforts fail.

Cryonics costs and future possibilities

The costs associated with cryonics and future possibilities, such as an “Ark of Time” facility for long-term preservation.

Cryonics costs

  • At companies like Alcor, individuals pay around one million reais to freeze the entire body or 450 thousand reais to preserve just the head.
  • Some people see it as a form of life insurance paid out over many years in the hope of being revived in the future.

Future Possibilities

  • If successful, rebirth after cryopreservation would involve safely thawing bodies or heads, eliminating the toxic effects of preservation fluids, curing diseases that caused death, and potentially transferring brain information to another medium, such as cloud storage.
  • There are ambitious projects, such as building an “Ark of Time” facility in Texas to safely store thousands of bodies frozen for thousands of years, but this remains a distant dream.

Mental health crisis in children, what is happening?


Lack of independence is behind the mental health crisis in children.

Rising rates of depression and anxiety in young people.

  • In recent decades, several countries have recorded an increase in rates of anxiety, depression and suicide among young people.
  • In the United States, the situation is so serious that there was a request to declare a national state of emergency in children’s mental health.

Gradual reduction in the level of independence of young people

  • Peter Gray, an American psychologist, argues that the increase in mental disorders in children is directly related to the gradual reduction in the level of independence of young people over the last 50 years.
  • Independent activities promote mental well-being and development of resilience in children.

Reduced opportunities to play and engage in independent activities

  • Reducing opportunities for children to play and engage in independent activities is one of the main causes of the increase in mental disorders.
  • Research shows a gradual decline in both the autonomy offered to young people and their mental health.

Changes in parental behavior over time

  • Children began to receive increasingly more supervision and protection, losing the freedom to engage in activities that involve risk and personal responsibility.
  • These changes in parental behavior affect children’s autonomy and development.

The impact on children’s mental health

  • Lack of independence has a direct impact on rates of anxiety, depression and other mental disorders in children and adolescents.
  • Depriving children of independent activities also means immediate privacy of happiness, satisfaction and development of important character traits.

Importance of independence in childhood

  • Independent activities promote skills such as problem solving, internal control, and courage.
  • Playing is one of the main sources of happiness for young children.

Recommendations for fathers and mothers

  • It is important to provide children with opportunities to carry out independent activities without interference from adults.
  • Parents can help their children be more independent by allowing them to face challenges and solve problems on their own.

Change in the freedom offered to children

Over the past 50 to 70 years, there has been a steady decline in the freedom offered to children, especially to play, explore and carry out activities independently. This occurred for several reasons, such as the increase in time spent at school and parents’ exaggerated fear of letting children go out alone.

The decline in children’s freedom

  • The popularization of television in the 1950s led many children to remain indoors and isolated from their peers.
  • The development of adult-directed children’s sports has led to children participating in adult-controlled activities rather than inventing their own games.
  • Children are following rules and decisions made by adults instead of learning to make their own decisions and solve problems on their own.
  • Parents’ exaggerated fear of letting children go out alone increased after rare cases of kidnapping and murder gained attention in the United States.
  • This fear led to parents’ acceptance of allowing children to go out alone, resulting in a dramatic change in parenting style.

Fear of legal consequences

  • Cases of parents losing custody of their children after letting them go out alone have increased, especially in the United States.
  • When someone calls the police when they see a child on the street without an adult nearby, the police are obliged to investigate and child protection services are also called.
  • In some cases, child protective services threaten to take children away from their parents.
  • White middle-class parents are more likely to challenge this decision in court and win, while poor parents and racial minorities are at real risk of losing custody of their children.

Reasonable independence laws

  • The organization Let Grow is working to create laws that give parents the power to decide on the safety of their children’s independent activities.
  • Except for obviously dangerous activities, it is up to parents and not the state to determine what is and is not safe for their children.
  • The goal is to restore parental confidence to allow children to have more freedom and independence.

Decline in work opportunities and autonomy

  • In the past, children often delivered newspapers, babysat neighbors’ younger children, or mowed lawns in exchange for payment.
  • Nowadays, many people share these safe activities for children.
  • There has been a dramatic increase in rates of use of counseling services among college students.
  • Parents are increasingly involved in their children’s academic lives, including trying to influence teachers’ decisions.
  • Children are less accustomed to solving problems on their own and expect step-by-step guidance.

Excessive parental involvement in homework

  • Schools in the United States required parents to sign homework to show that they were aware of the school work given to their children.
  • With the internet and social networks, parents began to constantly communicate with teachers.
  • Parents helped their children with their homework and defended their interests before teachers.
  • This has resulted in increased parental control over school work and children’s dependence on their parents.

Addiction of Young Adults

Dependence on parents is reflected even among young adults in the workplace. Some parents want to be present

The importance of children’s independence

The  importance of promoting children’s independence from an early age and from what age parents should start giving their children more autonomy.

At what age should parents start giving their children independence?

  • At two years of age, children already show a desire to do various things on their own.
  • It is important to allow them to perform simple tasks on their own at this stage.
  • From the age of four, this need for independence intensifies.

Examples of autonomy in childhood

  • At the age of four, the interviewee learned to cross the street alone and buy something at the market.
  • When he was a child, it was common for children to have more freedom to explore and carry out independent activities.
  • Currently, in the United States, sending a ten-year-old alone can raise concerns and even call the police.

Graduality in the development of independence

  • Gradually increasing independence allows people to gain the skills and confidence to face challenges without falling apart.
  • There is no specific age at which a person becomes completely independent. It is a gradual process over time.

Lack of attention to the decrease in children’s autonomy

  • The decline in autonomy given to children is not widely considered to be a cause of mental health crises.
  • The change has been gradual over time, which means that people do not realize the magnitude of the transformations.
  • The changes occurred due to good interests, such as concern for children’s safety.

Influence of social networks

  • There is no convincing evidence that the rise in anxiety and depression among young people is a result of social media use.
  • Although there are problems related to excessive use of social media, there are also benefits associated with it.
  • The increase in anxiety and depression preceded the popularization of the internet and social media.

Promoting independence in children

  • Parents should examine their priorities and understand that their children gradually need more independence.
  • It’s important to find ways for children to come together without constant interference from adults.
  • One suggestion is to arrange with other parents to send all the children to play together at a certain time after school.

Monitoring and Intervention in Serious Cases

American psychologist Peter Gray discusses the teacher’s role as monitor and the importance of intervening only in serious cases.

Monitoring and Intervention

  • A teacher monitors, but is instructed to only intervene in really serious cases.
  • The goal is not to separate smaller brigades or worry about damage levels.
  • It is also not there to deal with complaints between children, as the aim is to allow them to learn to solve their own problems.

Cristiano Ronaldo’s speech about FIFA’s “The Best” award.


“I CAN’T BELIEVE IT ANYMORE! For me, these AWARDS…” Cristiano Ronaldo CRITICIZES Ballon d’Or and The Best!

The Player, Cristiano Ronaldo, expresses his opinion on the credibility of awards such as FIFA’s “The Best” and discusses Lionel Messi’s achievement of the award.

Cristiano Ronaldo questions the credibility of the awards

  • Cristiano Ronaldo believes that awards like “The Best” are losing credibility.
  • He mentions that Lionel Messi’s choice for the award was surrounded by controversy and many people, including himself, saw Robert Lewandowski as a strong candidate.
  • Ronaldo no longer believes in these awards and questions the criteria used for the selection.

Criticizing the criteria for awards

  • Ronaldo highlights that there is ambiguity in the way these awards are determined.
  • He mentions that players like Messi, Mbappé and Halland did not attend the ceremony to receive the awards.
  • The criteria used for selection are not clear, whether they include performances before or after the World Cup.
  • Ronaldo states that he considers this year to be one of the worst, despite having deserved an award in previous years.

Journalist Bruno Prado’s opinion on awards

Bruno Prado shares his perspective on Cristiano Ronaldo’s statement about the awards.

Agreeing with Cristiano Ronaldo

  • Bruno Prado agrees with Cristiano Ronaldo that these awards are not taken as seriously as they should.
  • He believes that sometimes people vote based on personal preferences rather than objective analysis.
  • Prado acknowledges that while Messi may have won several times before, that doesn’t necessarily mean he deserved it every time.

Excessive importance given to awards

  • The importance given to these awards is often exaggerated, with people determining a player’s entire career based on them.
  • Prado mentions that the voting process involves journalists, captains, coaches and even fans, which can lead to biased decisions.
  • He believes that determining a player’s career success solely based on awards is incorrect.

Subjectivity in the voting process

  • Prado emphasizes that voting for these awards is subjective and influenced by personal relationships or prejudices.
  • He mentions that some players may not have an in-depth knowledge of football beyond their own playing experience.
  • Prado suggests that many players vote without due analysis and simply choose popular names like Messi.

Lack of objective analysis

  • Prado highlights that an objective analysis is often lacking when it comes to awarding votes.
  • Many players may not actively follow football beyond their own involvement and may not be aware of current performances or achievements.
  • He believes that some players vote without fully understanding what is happening in the world of football.

The influence of personal preferences

  • Prado suggests that personal preferences play a significant role in award voting.
  • Some players may vote for Messi because it seems like an obvious choice or because they are his fans.
  • He highlights that not all players have a comprehensive knowledge or interest in football beyond their own careers.

Importance given to winning teams

  • Prado mentions that players from winning teams tend to receive more attention and consideration for awards.
  • A team’s success, such as winning the Champions League or World Cup, can heavily influence prize decisions.
  • He believes this emphasis on team success can overshadow individual performance.

Mikel Obi’s involvement in award selection

  • Mikel Obi, a Nigerian midfielder who played for Chelsea, was part of a committee that selected the 12 finalists for the awards.
  • The committee was made up of former players, including Kaká, representing different countries and continents.
  • They were responsible for creating the initial list in which captains, coaches, fans and journalists voted.


In conclusion, Cristiano Ronaldo expresses his skepticism towards awards such as FIFA’s “The Best” and questions their credibility. Bruno Prado agrees with Ronaldo’s point of view and highlights the subjectivity of voting for awards. Both emphasize that these awards should not be used as sole determinants of a player’s career success.

Flaws in the voting system and Opinions

  • The current voting system for football awards is flawed.
  • The system involves captains, coaches, journalists and fans voting for their favorite players.
  • This leads to bias and popularity contests rather than a fair assessment of a player’s performance.
  • Sometimes first and last impressions strongly influence the outcome of the vote.
  • They give the example of Lionel Messi carrying Argentina during a tournament, which heavily influenced his chances of winning a prize.

Importance of Statistical Analysis

  • A more modern approach to voting could involve statistical analysis.
  • They propose evaluating players based on several performance metrics over a specific period of time.
  • By considering objective statistics such as goals scored, assists made and other performance indicators, a more accurate assessment can be made.
  • This approach would provide a scientific justification for rewarding players based on their actual performance rather than popularity or prejudice.

Lack of credibility in awards

  • Cristiano Ronaldo reportedly said that he no longer believes in these awards due to the loss of credibility.
  • He emphasizes that numbers don’t lie and should be considered when evaluating players’ performance.
  • Ronaldo’s sentiment suggests that if changes are not made to improve the voting system, these awards will lose their meaning.

Evaluation of Ballon d’Or candidates


  • Messi played 32 matches in the period evaluated, scoring 24 goals and providing 8 assists.
  • He won the French league title and the League Cup with Paris Saint-Germain.

Erling Haaland

  • Haaland played 41 matches, scoring 35 goals and providing 6 assists.
  • He won the FA Cup, Premier League and UEFA Champions League with Chelsea.

Kylian Mb

  • Mbappe played 28 matches, scoring 27 goals and providing 7 assists.
  • He won the French league title with Paris Saint-Germain.

Absence at FIFA the Best Ceremony

  • None of these three players attended the FIFA The Best ceremony.

Ego and Subjectivity in Awards

The ego and subjectivity in football awards.

  • The speaker mentions that players like Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo and Kylian Mbappe have significant egos.
  • These egos can influence your perception of awards and your willingness to participate in ceremonies.

Subjectivity in Selections

  • Subjective factors often come into play in selecting award winners.
  • They cite examples in which a player can be considered one of the best in a specific category, but is not included in the general selection or vice versa.

Need for Improvement in the Rewards System

  • Many deserving players do not receive recognition due to subjective voting processes.
  • Critics believe that statistical analysis could provide a fairer assessment of players’ performance.

Importance of objective criteria

  • Objective criteria, such as goals scored, assists made or other performance metrics, must be considered in award evaluations.
  • This would provide a more accurate representation of players’ contributions and achievements.


  • If the current voting system is not improved, football awards may lose their meaning.
  • They emphasize the importance of considering objective criteria and statistical analysis to ensure fair recognition for deserving players.

Health and Well-being – it is very important to drink water.


The importance of water and how it affects our dally lives. Dr. Katia Haranaka highlights that water consupmption can change eating habits and brings several benefits.

  • Water intake is discussed as an important topic.
  • Dr. Kátia mentions that she frequently talks about water intake on the program.

Water Intake and Cellular Nutrition

Dr. Kátia explains how dehydration can lead to cellular malnutrition and the connection between hunger and thirst signals in the brain.

Importance of hydration for brain function

Dr. Kátia highlights the importance of hydration for brain function and energy production in cells.

  • Hydration is described as a simple but important daily practice.
  • Dehydration is identified as the main cause of cellular malnutrition.
  • The connection between hunger and thirst signals in the brain is explained.

Water Composition and Energy Production

Dr. Kátia explains how the composition of water and electrolytes play a crucial role in energy production within cells.

  • Drinking water regularly helps cool your brain and provide energy to your cells.
  • Cells are made up of approximately 88% water, which helps in the production of energy.

Recommended water intake

Dr. Kátia recommends drinking at least one glass of water (300-400ml) every hour, aiming for a minimum of 6 liters per day until the beginning of the evening.

  • It is recommended to drink a glass of water (300-400ml) every hour.
  • The minimum recommended daily intake is 6 liters of water.
  • Dr. Kátia personally intends to drink 6 liters of water by the beginning of the night.

Water intake and skin health

Dr. Kátia explains the connection between hydration and skin health, especially in the eye area.

  • The connection between hydration and skin health is discussed.
  • Dehydration can cause wrinkles and dry skin

The negative effects of phosphorus in daily life

The negative effects of phosphorus in our daily lives and its impact on calcium absorption.

Phosphorus competes with calcium

  • Phosphorus, found in certain substances such as soft drinks, can compete with calcium for absorption by bones.
  • Calcium is stronger and has more priority in entering the bones compared to phosphorus.
  • Excessive phosphorus intake can cause problems such as calcification and heart problems.

Importance of drinking natural water

  • It is recommended to drink natural water instead of drinks containing phosphorus.
  • The speaker suggests drinking at least 3 liters of water by 7pm to reach your hydration goals.
  • Not drinking enough water before bed can cause dehydration and affect bladder function, causing sleep disturbances.

Sleep deprivation and weight gain

  • Disrupting the body’s routine by not getting enough sleep can have negative effects on the body’s overall regeneration.
  • Lack of sleep can result in weight gain due to hormonal imbalances and increased visceral fat accumulation.

Essential oils and water filters

  • Essential oils are absorbed more quickly by inhalation than by ingestion or topical application.
  • Snorting essential oils through the nose allows for faster absorption by glands such as the pineal gland and pituitary gland.

Secnidazole as a dewormer

  • Secnidazole is a dewormer recommended to be taken every six months during the full moon phase.
  • Despite thinking otherwise, many people have worms in their organs, which makes dewormers beneficial for overall health.

Importance of water filters

  • Using water filters, preferably with a pH level of 7 or higher, can improve the quality of drinking water.
  • Ionized alkaline water has better absorption and cellular retention compared to regular water.

Who is Dr. Kátia Haranaka?

Dr. Katia Haranaka (CRM 76611/SP), has medical training and specialization in plastic surgery from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas in 1996.

Responsible for the “Katia Haranaka Integrated Center for Dermatology and Plastic Surgery, which currently has +32 thousand registered patients.
Postgraduate in Medical Neuroendocrinology with Dr. Lair Ribeiro in 2019, but together, for 15 years, they share the same ideal: “obtain results through changing your diet”.

72 days after the plane crash, they ate each other to survive.

72 days after the plane crash, they ate each other to survive
72 days after the plane crash, they ate each other to survive

The great survival story

A plane crash in the Andes Mountains, where a group of people survived for 72 days. It poses the question of what someone would be willing to do to survive and explores the moral dilemmas faced by survivors.

Surviving in extreme conditions

  • The plane crashed in a remote region of the Andes Mountains, leaving the survivors trapped in the snow for 72 days.
  • Survivors had to go beyond their limits and overcome moral values ​​to ensure their survival.

The details of the accident and the terrifying choices

An overview of the crash involving Flight 571 and presents the difficult choices the 16 survivors had to make to stay alive.

The Crash of Flight 571

  • FLIGHT 571 was transporting a rugby team and their families from Uruguay to Chile.
  • Due to an error in calculating the location, the plane descended prematurely into the Andes Mountains.
  • The collision with a mountain caused severe damage, leading to a remote accident location.

Terrifying choices for survival

  • Survivors faced extreme challenges such as freezing temperatures, scarcity of resources and lack of rescue.
  • They were forced to consider unthinkable actions to support themselves.

Aversion to unconventional food sources

Society’s aversion to consuming unconventional food sources when faced with extreme circumstances.

Challenging social norms

  • Under normal circumstances, people have a strong aversion to consuming things considered morally wrong or taboo.
  • However, when faced with no rescue or alternative food options, individuals may need to reconsider their values.

The beginning of the tragic journey

The details of VOO 57 1 ‘s ill-fated journey and the challenges faced by the survivors.

A routine trip turns tragic

  • FLIGHT 571 was initially planned as a routine trip to transport a rugby team and their families.
  • However, due to navigation errors, the plane crashed in a remote region of the Andes Mountains.
72 days after the plane crash, they ate each other to survive
72 days after the plane crash, they ate each other to survive

Growing challenges

  • The harsh weather conditions and high altitude posed significant challenges to survival.
  • Search efforts were hampered by inaccurate information about the crash site.

The fight for survival begins

The beginning of the passengers’ fight for survival after the initial shock of the accident.

Initial Shock and Losses

  • After surviving the initial crash, 33 people were trapped in freezing temperatures.
  • Five deaths occurred on the first night due to the extreme cold.

Resilience and overcoming adversity

Roberto Canessa’s remarkable story of resilience and how he emerged as an example of strength in the midst of adversity.

Roberto Canessa’s inspiring journey

  • Roberto Canessa, a 19-year-old medical student, demonstrated incredible determination despite his serious injuries.
  • His experiences during this ordeal shaped his life and became a source of lifelong lessons.

Creativity in Survival Tactics

How creativity played a crucial role in helping survivors endure extreme conditions.

Resourcefulness for Survival

  • Survivors used parts of the plane as makeshift shelters and shoes to combat freezing temperatures.
  • Creativity played a vital role in finding solutions to sustain their lives.

Survival challenges

Survivors faced numerous challenges, including a lack of food and resources. They resorted to consuming unconventional items like cotton, leather, and even the bodies of their deceased comrades to survive.

72 days after the plane crash, they ate each other to survive
72 days after the plane crash, they ate each other to survive

The food shortage

  • With limited supplies, including just eight bars of chocolate, a tin of mussels, three jars of jam, a bottle of wine, nuts, lollipops and dried fruit, the survivors struggled to make their food last.
  • As the days passed without finding any vegetation or animals nearby, desperation set in and they began consuming cotton, leather from airplane seats, shoe soles and everything within their reach.

Drastic measures

  • Nando Parrado made the difficult decision to use the bodies of the deceased as a source of food. This was an unimaginable alternative that they had previously only considered theoretically.
  • The survivors agreed that if someone died, their body could be used for sustenance. This decision was considered a taboo by society, but it became their only option for survival.

Despair and hopelessness

As the situation worsened, with no rescue efforts in sight and food supplies dwindling, survivors were faced with harsh realities. They found solace in a radio to stay updated on rescue efforts, but received devastating news about search cancellations.

Canceled research efforts

  • On November 11, 1972, survivors received news that search operations had been canceled due to a lack of food and rescue teams. This left them hopeless and desperate for a solution.

Unthinkable decision

  • Roberto Canessa took it upon himself to seek divine guidance when faced with grim reality. Reluctantly, some survivors agreed to consume the bodies of their deceased comrades as a means of survival.
  • Their decision to consume human flesh, even from people they knew personally, was proof of their irresistible desire to live.

Survival and Taboo

Survivors faced the moral dilemma of consuming human flesh to survive. They made a pact that if someone died, their body could be used as food. This decision challenged social norms and tested their resilience.

A difficult choice

  • Roberto Canessa, a medical student, led the process of using frozen strips of flesh from the bodies. Each survivor consumed as much as they could bear.
  • It was an irreversible decision that marked the end of their innocence and forced them to face the harsh reality of their situation.

Emotional Cost

  • Consuming the bodies of deceased pilots was easier for some survivors since they did not know them personally. However, it took time for others to accept this idea.
  • A woman refused to eat human flesh and tragically died weighing just 25 kg.

Avalanche and other challenges

The survivors faced additional challenges when an avalanche unexpectedly occurred, resulting in more deaths. Overcoming death and bloodshed became a test of endurance for the remaining 16 survivors.

Avalanche mortal

  • An avalanche hit the region, causing eight more deaths. Coping with so much loss and bloodshed has become an immense challenge for the remaining survivors.

Trapped under the snow

  • After being trapped under the snow for three days, the 16 survivors managed to escape. Two months have passed since the accident without any sign of rescue.

Journey for Help

Roberto Canessa and Nando Parrado decided to embark on a dangerous journey in search of help after two months without rescue efforts. They walked through the mountains, facing exhaustion and uncertainty.

Seeking assistance

  • Canessa and Parrado ventured toward Chile, despite having no map or mountaineering experience. They walked for nine exhausting days without finding any signs of human life.

A glimmer of hope

  • Finally, they saw a young man on horseback on the other side of the river. Using pen and paper, Canessa and Parrado wrote about their ordeal and threw the message across the river.

Miraculous Rescue

After 72 days of agony, three Chilean helicopters rescued the remaining survivors. Despite being malnourished, dehydrated and with broken bones, their suffering finally came to an end.

Lasting adversities

  • Survivors endured extreme conditions on top of a mountain for an incredible 72 days. They faced the cold, hunger, despair and even resorted to consuming materials such as rubber.

Inspiring story

  • The story of FLIGHT 571 became known as “The Miracle of FLIGHT 571 ” due to the rarity of surviving a plane crash in extreme circumstances.
  • This remarkable story of courage and resilience has inspired countless films, series, books, including the film “Alive”, released in 1993, and “The Snow Society”, based on the book by Roberto Canessa.

The survivors’ perspective

The perspective of Carlos, a survivor who sees the accident as a positive experience, despite the difficulties. It emphasizes the strength of human resilience and the importance of valuing each day.

Carlos’ Unique Perspective

  • Carlos sees the accident as a positive experience and not as a negative drama.
  • Despite facing challenges, he was able to overcome them and succeed.
  • Survivors’ stories highlight the strength of human resilience.
  • The narrative ends with a reflection on the importance of valuing each day and never giving up.

Life after rescue

  • Of the 45 people on board, only 29 initially survived.
  • After 72 days, only 16 survivors were found.
  • Currently, there are 14 survivors still alive.
  • The survivors returned to normal life after being rescued.
  • They completed their university studies and started families.
  • Some became vocal advocates for the miracle they experienced.

Sharing Lessons Learned

  • Several members of the group have published books about their experiences.
  • They became motivational speakers, sharing resilience lessons learned from this traumatic experience.
  • Some survivors became motivational speakers and shared their stories as testimony of overcoming adversity.

Notable survivors

  • Fernando Parrado returned to Monte Videl after the tragedy.
  • He dedicated years to motorsport and became a famous TV presenter and producer known for his motivational speeches.
  • Roberto Canessa, former national rugby player, became a pediatric cardiologist.
  • Gustavo Zerbino played rugby at national level, worked in the chemical industry and held leadership positions in sports organizations.
  • Other survivors pursued careers in different fields.

Overcoming Challenges

The way some survivors faced personal challenges after the accident. Carlos Pae Rodriguez struggled with alcohol and drug addiction, but eventually overcame them. Roberto Bob François focused on agriculture while Alfredo Delgado became a lawyer. Roy Harley became an industrial engineer, Eduardo Strauch pursued architecture alongside painting. Adolfo Strauch works as a farmer, while Daniel Fernandez became a businessman after studying agronomy.

Personal challenges faced by survivors

  • Carlos Pae Rodriguez struggled with alcohol and drug addiction, but managed to overcome them.
  • Roberto Bob François focused on agriculture.
  • Alfredo Delgado became a lawyer.
  • Roy Harley became an industrial engineer.
  • Eduardo Strauch studied architecture and painting.
  • Adolfo Strauch works as a farmer.
  • Daniel Fernandez became a businessman after studying agronomy.

Diverse career paths

  • José Pedro Algorta studied economics, worked as director of a beverage factory and later opened his own consultancy.
  • Álvaro Mangino worked for an air conditioning company and is involved in the Old Christians rugby team.
  • Ramon Sabela became a speaker and businessman after years of silence out of respect for the victims.

Reflections on courage

Viewers question whether they would have had the courage and strength to do what these survivors did to survive. This encourages viewers to share their opinions in the comments section.

Would you have had their courage?

  • Most of the survivors were in their 20s at the time of the accident.
  • They are now in their 70s.
  • Viewers are asked if they would have the courage and strength to do what these survivors did to survive.
  • Viewers are encouraged to share their opinions in the comments section.

Oscar 2024 nominees, see the list.


The list of nominees for the 96th Oscar is out.

This Tuesday the 23rd, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced the nominees for the 96th edition of the Oscar. The announcement will be made on the Academy’s website and main social networks and will also feature a presentation by Zazie Beetz and Jack Quaid.

See the nominees:



Anatomy of a Fall

The Rejected


Flower Moon Assassins


Past lives

Poor Creatures


Martin Scorsese, for the film Killers of the Flower Moon

Justine Triet, for Anatomy of a Fall

Christopher Nolan, by Oppenheimer

Jonathan Glazer, for The Zone of Interest

Yorgos Lanthimos, for Poor Creatures


Sandra Hüller, for Anatomy of a Fall

Annette Bening, por NYAD

Lily Gladstone, for Killers of the Flower Moon

Carey Mulligan, by Maestro

Emma Stone, for Poor Creatures


Paul Giamatti, for The Rejected

Bradley Cooper, by Maestro

Jeffrey Wright, por American Fiction

Colman Domingo, by Rustin

Cillian Murphy, por Oppenheimer


Da’Vine Joy Randolph, for The Rejected

Emily Blunt, by Oppenheimer

America Ferrera, by Barbie

Danielle Brooks, for The Color Purple

Jodie Foster, por NYAD


Mark Ruffalo, for Poor Creatures

Sterling K. Brown, por American Fiction

Ryan Gosling, as Barbie

Robert De Niro, for the film Killers of the Flower Moon

Robert Downey Jr., by Oppenheimer


Bradley Cooper & Josh Singer, by Maestro

Arthur Harari and Justine Triet, for the film Anatomy of a Fall

Celine Song, by Past Lives

David Hemingson, for The Rejected

Sammy Burch, for Secrets of a Scandal


Christopher Nolan, by Oppenheimer

Cord Jefferson, por American Fiction

Jonathan Glazer, for The Zone of Interest

Greta Gerwig & Noah Baumbach, by Barbie

Tony McNamara, for Poor Creatures




Poor Creatures

Flower Moon Assassins





The Zone of Interest


Mission: Impossible – Reckoning



American Fiction

Indiana Jones and the Relic of Destiny

Poor Creatures

Flower Moon Assassins




Poor Creatures

Flower Moon Assassins





Poor Creatures

Flower Moon Assassins





Poor Creatures


The Snow Society


Flower Moon Assassins

Anatomy of a Fall

The Rejected

Poor Creatures




Mission: Impossible – Reckoning

Godzilla Minus One

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3



“The Fire Inside” (Flamin’ Hot)

“Wahzhazhe (A Song for My People)” (Killers of the Flower Moon)

“I’m Just Ken” (Barbie)

“What Was I Made For?” (Barbie)

“It Never Went Away” (American Symphony)


The Snow Society (Spain)

I Captain (Italy)

Perfect Days (Japan)

The Zone of Interest (United Kingdom)

The Teacher’s Lounge (Germany)



The Boy and the Crane

My Robot Friend


Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse


Knight of Fortune

The After


The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar

Red, White & Blue


Letter to a Pig


95 Senses

War is Over (inspired by the music of John & Yoko)

Our Uniform


Four Daughters

Bobi Wine: The People’s President

The Eternal Memory

20 Days in Mariupol

To Kill a Tiger

The awards ceremony will be held on March 10th. 

The Japanese mission to find water on the Moon.

Japan’s lunar landing

Japan’s achievement in becoming the fifth country to land on the Moon and its mission to find water on the lunar surface.

Japan’s lunar landing

  • Japan ended up becoming the fifth country to successfully land on the Moon.
  • The spacecraft, called “Islim,” landed on the lunar surface with no crew on board.
  • The mission aimed to explore and find water on the moon.
  • This achievement is significant for Japan as it joins a select group of nations that have successfully landed on the Moon, including the United States, Russia, China and India.

Interview with Professor Diana Andrade

An interview with UFRJ professor Diana Andrade provides insights into Japan’s lunar landing mission and its significance.

Significance of Japan’s lunar landing

  • Professor Diana Andrade explains that Japan’s lunar landing is important both for Japan and global space exploration efforts.
  • The mission demonstrates Japan’s ability to land precisely on the lunar surface, which has not been achieved before.
  • By reducing the size and weight of equipment, costs are reduced, allowing more equipment to be transported during future space exploration.
  • The discovery of water on the Moon has several implications, such as potential agriculture, oxygen production, construction materials, fuel production and facilitating the exploration of other planets.
  • Understanding the moon can also provide insights into the history of our solar system and study life on Earth.

Importance of Water and Future Exploration

The importance of water on the Moon for future space exploration endeavors.

Importance of Water

  • Water is crucial not only for consumption, but also for growing plants and enabling agriculture on the moon.
  • It can be used to produce oxygen for breathing and as a building material.
  • Having access to water on the Moon makes it easier to explore other planets, as it reduces Earth’s need for resources.
  • Water on the Moon can provide insights into the history of our solar system and contribute to scientific understanding.

Various aspects of lunar exploration

Different aspects of lunar exploration beyond the discovery of water.

  • Lunar exploration involves various aspects such as mining, energy production, tourism and establishing industries.
  • The moon offers opportunities for resource mining and energy supply.
  • It can serve as a potential location for the tourism and housing industries.
  • Exploring the Moon opens up possibilities in multiple areas, making it an important focus for many nations.

About  Professor Diana Andrade

She has a PhD in Science from the Institute of Chemistry of the Federal University of the state of Rio de Janeiro (2008), a Master’s degree in Astronomy from the National Observatory (2004), and a Bachelor’s degree in Astronomy from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2002) .

He has experience in the area of ​​Astrophysics with emphasis on Supergiant B[e] Stars and in Astrochemistry with an emphasis on meteorites, ice and interstellar grain chemistry, working mainly on these topics: desorption of molecules in the interstellar medium, supergiant B[e] stars, planetary and comet surfaces, formation of prebiotic molecules in astrophysical environments, analysis of meteorites and space weathering.

She was a researcher at the Research and Development Institute of the University of Vale do Paraíba, also a professor at undergraduate and postgraduate courses at this university and Coordinator of the Basic Core of Disciplines of the Courses at the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism.

Currently, she is an assistant professor at the Valongo Observatory, at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Reviewer for the journal Astrobiology (Larchmont, NY) – ISSN:1531-1074 and the Journal of Physical Chemistry.

News Giro of January 21st.

Germany rises up against the far right

Massive protests against the far-right Alternative for Germany (AFD) party in several cities in Germany.

Protests against AFD

  • Massive protests have taken place in cities such as Munich, Cologne and Berlin.
  • The protests are mainly directed against the Alternative for Germany party.
  • The demonstrations have brought together around 1.5 million people so far.
  • Some protests had to be canceled due to the large number of participants.

Unprecedented social reaction

The strong social reaction and intolerance towards the far right expressed during the protests.

Far-right intolerance

  • Protest banners displayed messages such as “No tolerance for hate.”
  • The social backlash against the far right is unprecedented.
  • The number of participants in these protests reached almost 1.5 million people.

Netanyahu rejects conditions for hostage release

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s rejection of the conditions imposed by Hamas for the release of hostages.

Rejection of Conditions

  • Netanyahu rejects the conditions set by Hamas for the release of hostages.
  • He considers them terms of surrender rather than a proposed settlement.
  • Qatar and Egypt are involved in mediating a potential ceasefire agreement.

Mass protests continue in Germany

An update on the ongoing mass protests against the far right in Germany.

Continuation of protests

  • Around 300,000 people gathered in Berlin near the Bundestag (German parliament).
  • The Munich protest had to be dissolved due to excessive participation.
  • Approximately 100 protests took place across Germany.
  • The protests are against the far-right AfD party.

Background to the Protests

The background and motivations behind the protests in Germany.

Motivations for protests

  • The protests have been going on for 10 days since a secret meeting involving members of the AfD, CDU and neo-Nazis was exposed.
  • The plans discussed at the meeting included mass deportations of immigrants and German citizens of foreign origin.
  • The AfD denies these plans and considers them defamatory.
  • The protests unite a German society divided and concerned about the rise of far-right ideologies.

AFD’s rise in national polls

The current popularity of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) in national polls.

AFD Popularity

  • According to polls, the AfD is currently the second largest political force in terms of voting intentions.
  • Ursula Moreno, political analyst, followed these developments closely.

Unifying German Society

How protests are unifying a politically divided German society.

Unity among divided society

  • The protests brought together different segments of society who are concerned about the rise of far-right ideologies.
  • It is not only individuals from an immigration background who express their concerns, but also a significant part of German society who remembers the history.
  • Historical references are made to Nazi-era voting patterns and conferences that planned extermination.

Reactions to the revelation of the secret meeting

Reactions to the revelation of a secret meeting involving members of several parties discussing controversial plans.

Impact of the revelation of the secret meeting

  • The revelation of the secret meeting acted as a catalyst for a significant part of German society.
  • The plans discussed at the meeting raised concerns about the AfD’s potential actions if it comes to power.
  • The AfD denies these plans and considers them part of a smear campaign.

Historical context

A historical context comparing current events with Germany’s past.

Historical Comparison

  • In 1930, 18% of the population voted for the Nazi party, a number that rose to 38% in 1932.
  • In 1933, the Nazis came to power.
  • The comparison is made between a tweet from the Minister of the Interior and a conference held in 1942 that planned the extermination of European Jews.

Contradictions in the protests

The contradictions in protests against far-right ideologies.

  • Some see contradictions in the protest against far-right ideologies, while the Alternative for Germany (AfD) is currently the second largest political force.
  • The overwhelming turnout and slogans like “Never Again” raise questions about whether these sentiments will be reflected in the election results.

Potential Political Impact

The potential political impact of the recent revelations about the Alternative for Germany (AfD).

Political Impact Assessment

  • The elections will take place in three eastern states, where far-right parties are likely to gain significant support.
  • The analysis suggests that there is a group of voters to the right of the CDU, Angela Merkel’s party, that could benefit the AfD.

Netanyahu rejects Hamas conditions

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s rejection of Hamas’ conditions for the release of hostages.

Rejection of Conditions

  • Netanyahu categorically rejects the conditions set by Hamas.
  • The conditions include an end to hostilities and the complete withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza.
  • The rejection comes in response to a ceasefire proposal mediated by Qatar and Egypt.

High casualty rates in Gaza

The high number of victims in Gaza due to Israeli bombings.

Casualties in Gaza

  • Palestinian authorities claim that more than 25,000 people have been killed by Israeli bombings.
  • They state that 80% of the victims are women and children.
  • The information is based on reports published by The Wall Street Journal.

Details of the ceasefire proposal

Details on a proposed ceasefire agreement brokered by Qatar and Egypt.

  • Qatar and Egypt have proposed a three-phase ceasefire agreement.
  • Netanyahu’s rejection indicates his reluctance to stop attacks in response to the October 7 terrorist attacks.

The focus on captives in Palestine

The central focus is on captives in Palestine and efforts to reach an agreement for a new exchange between the two parties. The United States has sent an advisor to accelerate contacts and negotiations, but there are challenges due to unclear positions regarding the release of soldiers held captive.

  • Captives, especially prisoners of war, are currently a significant concern for both factions.
  • Efforts are being made to accelerate contacts and negotiations for a potential exchange.
  • Israel is reluctant to release captives until the war ends and the operation is considered complete.
  • The captives serve as a means of putting pressure on the Palestinians against the Israelis.
  • Contradictory statements were made by Joe Biden and Netanyahu regarding their stance on the two-state solution.

Two-state solution interpretations

Despite discussions about interpretations, there is no room for interpretation when considering the facts on the ground. Israel’s actions indicate that there is only one state – Israel. With the ongoing occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip devastated after months of war, the establishment of a Palestinian state seems like science fiction. External pressure requires concrete political measures from the United States, which has the power to press for a solution.

  • Netanyahu’s actions clearly demonstrate that he does not intend to accept a Palestinian state.
  • There are no practical policy measures by the United States to achieve a two-state solution.
  • Israel has the final say in this matter.

US Presidential Race

Ron DeSantis drops out of presidential race

Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida, withdrew his aspirations to become president and pledged his support to Donald Trump. Despite initial expectations as a strong rival, DeSantis’ campaign did not live up to expectations. DeSantis cited his commitment to supporting the Republican candidate and avoiding a return to the Republican old guard.

  • DeSantis’ withdrawal followed disappointing results in the New Hampshire primary.
  • Despite differences with Trump regarding the pandemic and Dr. Fauci, DeSantis has pledged his support.
  • Journalist José Díaz Briceño analyzes DeSantis’ departure and highlights Nikki Haley as Trump’s potential rival.

Nikki Haley’s potential as a rival

Nikki Haley emerges as a significant rival for Donald Trump, especially in New Hampshire, where she is between 8 and 11 points behind. Experts consider these primary elections to be their last real opportunity to challenge Trump. However, it remains to be seen whether she will be able to defeat him through regular means.

  • Nikki Haley’s chances of beating Trump are considered higher in New Hampshire compared to other states.
  • The New Hampshire primary allows Democrats and independents who register at the last minute to vote.
  • Ron DeSantis criticized the old corporate Republican establishment, suggesting that populism may remain with Trump.

Important moments in the US presidential campaign

The analysis suggests that decisive moments are approaching in the US presidential campaign. José Díaz Briceño emphasizes that we are about to witness crucial moments leading up to the elections.

  • The next moments should be crucial for the presidential campaign.
  • The analysis concludes by highlighting the importance of these moments without providing further details about what they entail.

Note: The transcript provided does not cover any content related to Latin America or Ecuador mentioned at the end.

Protests in Peru over online ticket sales for Machu Picchu

The protests that took place in Peru due to the online sale of tickets to Machu Picchu.

Protests against online ticket sales

  • Protesters marched through the streets and train tracks of the Machu Picchu pueblo.
  • The government started selling tickets online through a private company to generate revenue and revive tourism after the pandemic.
  • Machu Picchu, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, temporarily closed in September due to wear and tear caused by the large number of visitors.

Asteroid sightings in Berlin

  • Astronomers discovered an asteroid just hours before it entered Earth’s atmosphere.
  • NASA warned about this phenomenon on Twitter, describing it as a “harmless fireball”.
  • Some fragments of the asteroid may have remained intact and scattered a few kilometers west of Berlin.