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Science: Rare genetic mutation turns green frog into blue.


Rare genetic mutation turns green frog blue.

Scientists in Western Australia have found a tree frog that is a bright blue , rather than its usual green , due to a rare genetic mutation.

The magnificent blue tree frog was spotted at the Charnley River-Artesian Range Wildlife Sanctuary in the Kimberley region, according to a statement from the Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) this week.

This is the first time a blue color mutation has been recorded in the magnificent tree frog, according to the AWC.

“It was after shade when we first spotted her, perched on a bench in the workshop near our research facility ,” AWC field ecologist Jake Barker said in Monday’s (8) statement .

“It was very exciting. Magnificent tree frogs are spectacular enough, but seeing a blue one is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

This type of mutation is extremely rare , according to Jodi Rowley, curator of Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Biology at the Australian Museum.

“Very occasionally, a green frog has no yellow pigment in its skin, and this results in a frog that is entirely or mostly blue,” she said in the statement .

“I’ve seen tens of thousands of frogs over the years, and I’ve only ever seen one blue frog — and it wasn’t nearly as spectacular as this magnificent tree frog. A rare encounter , and one that highlights the spectacular volubility of Australia’s frogs.”

Mutation involves one of the largest amphibian species in Australia

The magnificent tree frog, or Litoria splendida, is found only in the northern Kimberley and nearby parts of the Northern Territory of Australia. It grows to around 12 centimetres (5 inches) long , making it one of the largest amphibian species in the country.

“This is one of several Northwest endemic species that we regularly encounter here ,” Barker said in the statement .

“They’re not found anywhere else. That’s the great thing about working in the Kimberley – you never know what rare wildlife you’ll see each day.”

Source : CNN

Victory for the left in the United Kingdom could further strengthen collaborations with Brazil.


Left-wing victory in UK should strengthen collaborations with Brazil, says ambassador .

UK Elections !  Brazil was one of the few nations mentioned in the government project of the British Labour Party , the winner of the UK legislative elections held earlier this month.

In the document, the country is described as a country “at the forefront of the climate crisis” and as a likely strategic partner in the clean energy federation that the British want to form.

In an interview with Folha de S.Paulo, former Foreign Minister Antônio Patriota, Brazil’s ambassador in London, said he was informed of the reference in the document by a member of the top echelons of the party of new Prime Minister Keir Starmer, as a sign of the British government’s desire to strengthen relations with Brasília.

“The person, whose name I cannot reveal, told me: ‘This was the subject of internal deliberation within the party, and I would like to convey first-hand that Brazil is mentioned by name’, which he considered a promising aspect for the bilateral relationship”, he states.

Patriota points out that there is a historical affinity between the Brazilian Workers’ Party, the PT, and the British Labour Party. Their leaders have maintained contact over the years, and President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is a partner of former leftist Prime Minister Gordon Brown, with whom he met at the UN General Assembly in December 2023.

On that occasion, the PT member also met Keir Starmer, then Labour leader and now British Prime Minister. “ President Lula’s strong leadership on climate issues is an example to be followed by all of us,” he wrote to the Starmer era , who is considered the main person responsible for his party’s first victory in Parliament in 14 years, on his X account.

Leaders of Brazil and the United Kingdom are expected to participate in a meeting

Patriota says there are plans to hold a bilateral meeting between Lula and Starmer during the G20 summit – Brazil holds the temporary presidency of the forum and will host its meeting in Rio de Janeiro in November. According to the diplomat, it is likely that after the meeting the two leaders will announce joint initiatives between Brasilia and London.

If the partnership is promising in the sustainable agenda, it also appears to have its downside, due to the interest of both States in the uninterrupted exploration of oil.

“The UK is seeking to position itself as a leader in sustainability issues while also developing a significant offshore oil and gas industry. So there is this similarity with Brazil. There is a very interesting conversation between the countries, which have comparable experiences and an ability to dialogue in a non-superficial way,” says the ambassador .

It is no surprise that some of the UK’s biggest investors in Brazil are from the oil and gas sector. This is the case of Shell, which has interests in the controversial authorization of exploration on the equatorial margin, blocked by Ibama and defended by wings of the Brazilian government – ​​President Lula himself has already made statements to this effect.

The president of Shell in Brazil, Cristiano Pinto da Costa, is also in favor of exploration. The oil company currently has eight blocks in the region.

In 2025, Brazil will be at the forefront of the 30th UN Climate Change Conference (COP30), to be held in Belém (PA). In the same year, the 200th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral relations between the United Kingdom and Brazil will be celebrated. “All of this is part of the calendar and will stimulate a celebratory dialogue, but also new objectives in political dialogue, trade , protection , technology and academic cooperation”, says Patriota.

The ambassador adds that Brazil still wants to influence the British to take a more assertive stance on the Israel-Gaza conflict. He mentions analyses in the British press that said that, despite being victorious, the Labour Party lost a percentage of votes among the Islamic population because it did not sufficiently question “certain behaviors of Israel.”

Patriota points out, however, that as soon as he took office, Starmer reiterated his commitment to the so-called two-state solution, which envisages the creation of a Palestinian nation-state. “In other words, the gap between the Brazilian and British positions has already narrowed two days after the new government took power. This opens up prospects for closer coordination on major issues of international concern.”

At his first press conference on Downing Street in London, Starmer was keen to announce that the uncertain plan to send asylum seekers who entered British territory irregularly to Rwanda was “dead and buried”.

The measure would not affect Brazilians who migrate illegally to the United Kingdom . But, for Patriota, it is a sign that the new government will treat the issue of immigration differently from the Conservatives.

“All of this opens up a field of cooperation and conversation, including on the subject of human rights, which is much more promising than that of the previous government, which, although democratic, did not show itself to be particularly respectful of international law on the subject of migration,” concluded the ambassador .

Source : Folhapress

A pair of journalists filed a lawsuit in the United States against OpenAI.


Journalists sue ChatGPT owner for using books without permission.

ChatGPT under the magnifying glass of justice!  A pair of veteran journalists filed a lawsuit in the United States against OpenAI, developer of ChatGPT, in which they claim that the company used their published works without permission to train artificial intelligence , according to the AP (Associated Press) news agency .

In a report published last week, the AP reports that 81-year-old reporter and reporter Nicholas Basbanes began to have contact with synthetically intelligent chatbots . He found the technology fascinating, but prone to “falsehoods and lack of attribution of credit.”

So he teamed up with his fellow professional, Nicholas Gage, 84, to sue the companies behind the tool , the report says.

ChatGPT was trained to reproduce existing texts, journalists accuse

The journalists say, according to the report , that with the help of Microsoft, OpenAI used works and trained artificial intelligence chatbots to reproduce texts similar to those written by humans, without asking permission or compensating the writers.

The news outlet says Microsoft and OpenAI did not respond to attempts to contact them.

On his website, Nicholas Basbanes describes himself as the author of acclaimed satire books . The reporter ‘s works focus on literary culture and include books such as “On Paper: The Everything of Its Two Thousand Year History,” in which he examines the invention and uses of paper.

Nicholas Gage is an investigative journalist whose stories were adapted into the film Eleni (1985), which tells the story of a woman – Gage’s mother – who died during the social war in Greece.

According to the Associated Press, the lawsuit filed by the two journalists has been included in another case, led by authors such as George RR Martin (Game of Thrones) and could become a class action.

The lawsuit is being heard by the same judge who is handling copyright claims filed by newspapers such as The New York Times and the Chicago Tribune, the AP reports.

Source : Folhapress

WhatsApp Web: Tips, what you need to know and do to use it.


Tips on how to use WhatsApp Web and get your questions answered. See here .

Step 1: Introduction

What is WhatsApp Web?

It is an extension of your WhatsApp account on your phone, accessible through a browser. Highlight benefits such as the convenience of sending and receiving messages directly from your computer.

Step 2: Prerequisites

What do you need to  get started ?

Contents: List the basic requirements: a smartphone with an active WhatsApp account, internet connection on both the phone and computer, and a compatible browser (such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge).

Step 3: Accessing

How to access  WhatsApp Web ?

Show how to access the official website  web.whatsapp.com. Highlight the QR code displayed on the page.

Step 4: Connecting Your Phone

Syncing your phone

Explain how to open the  WhatsApp app on your phone , tap the three dots in the top right corner, select “WhatsApp Web” and scan the QR code displayed in your computer browser.

Step 5: Navigating the Interface

Exploring the WhatsApp Web interface

Describe the WhatsApp Web user interface, including the sidebar with contacts, the messaging area, and the configuration options.

Step 6: Sending and Receiving Messages

How to send and receive messages

Show how to select a contact, type a  message in the bottom bar, and send . Explain how to view received messages and respond quickly.

Step 7: Uploading Media and Documents

Sharing photos, videos and documents

Demonstrate how to send photos, videos, and documents using the attachment icon (paperclip) and selecting files from your computer.

Step 8: Customizing Settings and Notifications

Adjusting settings and notifications

Explain how to access WhatsApp Web settings to adjust notifications, change chat wallpaper, and set account preferences.

Step 9: Security

Keeping your account secure

Provide security tips, such as disconnecting active WhatsApp Web sessions on your phone and avoiding use on public computers.

Step 10: Advanced Features and Tips

Advanced Tips and Tricks

Share advanced tips like using keyboard shortcuts, quickly replying to specific messages, and using WhatsApp Web across different browsers.

Russia launched a series of missiles against Kiev and other Ukrainian cities in a rare daytime attack.


Russia strikes kill 20 in Ukraine; children’s hospital targeted by missiles.

Russia fired a barrage of missiles at the city of Kiev and other Ukrainian cities in a rare daytime attack on Monday, killing at least 20 people across the country and hitting a major children’s hospital, officials said.

President Volodymyr Zelensky said Russian troops fired more than 40 missiles targeting different cities and damaging infrastructure and commercial and residential buildings in different Ukrainian cities.

Kiev city authorities said seven people were killed and at least 25 wounded in the attack on the capital. In Kryviy Rih, Zelensky’s hometown, 10 people were killed and 31 wounded, Mayor Oleksandr Vilkul said.

Three more people were killed in Pokrovsk in eastern Ukraine when missiles hit an industrial facility, the regional governor of Donestk said.

“All services are involved to save as many people as possible ,” Zelensky said on the Telegram messaging app. “And the whole world should use all its power to finally put an end to the attacks by Russian forces.”

Russia has repeatedly denied ever targeting civilians

A major attack on Ukraine came as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban met with Chinese President Xi Jinping to discuss a potential peace deal with Ukraine, making an unexpected visit to Beijing .

Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko said the attack on the capital was one of the heaviest since the Russian invasion began in February 2022.

He said the city’s main children’s hospital was damaged. Windows were shattered and panels ripped off. Parents holding babies ran out into the street, dazed and sobbing.

“We heard an explosion and then we were covered by debris,” Svitlaka Kravchenko, 33, told Reuters after she and her husband Viktor emerged from the shelter.

O bebê de dois meses saiu incólume, mas Svitlana sofreu cortes e o coche ficou totalmente enterrado sob os escombros do prédio destruído, do outro lado do recinto da flanco principal.

“Foi tremendo. Eu não conseguia respirar, estava tentando ocultar (meu bebê). Eu estava tentando cobri-lo com esse tecido para que ele pudesse respirar”, disse ela.

As autoridades locais e regionais afirmaram que instalações industriais, infraestruturas e edifícios residenciais e comerciais foram danificados em Kyi, Kryviy Rih, Dnipro, Pokrovsk, Kramatarosk e outros.

Fonte: CNN

Democracy needs to be taught to children, says Pope Francis.


“Democracy is in poor health,” says Pope Francis.

Democracy is not in good shape, Pope Francis said on Sunday (07/07), urging politicians to avoid populism and instead work together to build stronger societies and combat voter indifference .

The 87-year-old pope was in the northeastern city of Trieste for a quick visit – his fourth trip to Italy in just over two months as he prepares for a 12-day tour of Asia in September, the longest of his papacy.

Speaking at an annual Catholic convention on social issues, the pope said many people felt excluded from democracy, with the poor and weak left to their own devices.

“It is clear that democracy is not in good health in today’s world,” he said. A healthy democracy must avoid “the dross of ideology” and move away from partisanship to instead embrace meaningful dialogue, he said.

“Let us not be fooled by easy solutions. Instead, let us be passionate about the very general ,” he said, highlighting the damage caused by political “ prevarication and illegality.”

Democracy needs to be taught to children, says the pontiff

Pope Francis said it was important to teach children the value of democratic values, warning that “indifference is a cancer of democracy.” “I am concerned about the small number of people who turned out to vote. Why is this happening?” he asked.

The half-day visit to Trieste followed similar trips to Venice and Verona in April and May, and a meeting with Group of Seven leaders in southern Italy in June — outings that tested his resilience after repeated illnesses over the past year forced the pope to reduce his workload .

As usual, the pontiff moved around mostly in a wheelchair and appeared to be in good shape. In September, he is due to fly more than 32,000 km on his trip to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Singapore.

The Labor Party won the British general election with an overwhelming majority.


Labour wins landslide victory in UK election .

Labour returns to power in England!  The Labour Party has won the British general election with a landslide majority of seats in Parliament.

Partial results show that Keir Starmer, the party leader, will become prime minister with at least 411 Labour MPs – slightly less than the total obtained by Tony Blair in 1997 – winning a majority by a margin of around 170 seats.

“Change starts now,” celebrated Starmer.

The Conservatives, meanwhile, lost power after 14 years in a catastrophic run — and are on track to achieve their worst results in history, with 119 seats so far.

The Liberal Democrats came in third place with at least 71 MPs, which represents a gain of 63 seats in the House .

The Scottish National Party is set to see its number of MPs reduced from 47 to nine, and the radical right-wing Reform UK, represented by Nigel Farage, which previously had no seats in Parliament, has gained four.

The Green Party , which had just one seat, will now have four seats, the same number of representatives as the Welsh Party (Plaid Cymru), which doubled its number of seats.

Following the announcement of the official result , King Charles III will ask Labour Party leader Keir Starmer, 61, to become prime minister and form a government.

The leader of the party with the second largest number of MPs will become the leader of the opposition.

The election came after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of the Conservative Party called an early general election in May and dissolved the British Parliament – something that is his legal prerogative .

‘Change starts now’, say Labour

Following the announcement of the result, Starmer said the change he promised would take effect immediately.

“Nós conseguimos”, ele disse. “A mudança começa agora.”

Em discurso a seus apoiadores, ele acrescentou:

“Em todo o nosso país, as pessoas vão ajustar com a notícia, aliviadas por terem finalmente retirado um fardo, um peso dos ombros, desta grande pátria.”

“O raio de Sol da esperança, fraco no primícias, mas cada dia mais possante, brilha mais uma vez sobre um país com a oportunidade, em seguida 14 anos, de restaurar seu porvir.”

Líder do Partido Trabalhista, Starmer foi eleito em 2020 para suceder Jeremy Corbyn na liderança da legenda. Anteriormente, foi director do Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), o Ministério Público do Reino Unificado.

‘Assumo a responsabilidade pela derrota’

Já o atual primeiro-ministro, Rishi Sunak, do Partido Conservador, reconheceu a guião e parabenizou o justador — ele deve apresentar formalmente sua repúdio ao rei nas próximas horas.

“O povo britânico emitiu um veredicto preocupante esta noite. Há muito para aprender e refletir. E assumo a responsabilidade pela guião”, afirmou Sunak.

Os conservadores tiveram o pior resultado da sua história. Eles perderam mais de 248 assentos, e vão descrever com 119 deputados.

Entre as baixas conservadoras, estão a ex-primeira-ministra Liz Truss, e o secretário de Resguardo, Grant Shapps.

‘Vitória espetacular’

Chris Mason, BBC News’ political editor, made the following analysis based on exit poll data that had already predicted Labour’s victory:

“Just take a look at these numbers.

The Conservatives, so often an election-winning machine, a successful powerhouse, are being pulverized, obliterated.

Just five years ago , Labour was crushed, humiliated – and reduced to its lowest number of seats since 1935.

People fell over themselves in expressing that Labour were doomed by a dozen .

Boris Johnson, just two years ago, was publicly reflecting on winning three terms, serving until 2030 .

And yet here , if this exit poll is anywhere near where we ended this morning, it points to a surprising Labour comeback.

They faced a Himalayan-scale climb to win by the narrowest of margins.

These numbers point to a victory with a kilometer advantage.

What does all this tell us?

That we live in a world of unprecedented electoral volatility – more people, in more places, are more willing to change their minds about politics more often and more quickly than ever before.

Tomorrow lunchtime (UK time ) it looks like we will have our fourth Prime Minister in less than two years.

And so the turmoil of British politics continues.

It is 27 years since the Labour Party won a general election from opposition.

It’s been 19 years since they won the general election and that’s that.

The history books of the last century tell us one thing: they are spectacularly good at losing elections – losing a lot, a lot more than they win.

But tonight they are on the verge of a spectacular victory.

Spectacular offered where they came from – the crisis.

But spectacular also by any metric, at any time, in any context – it is unexpected .

Remember, however, that a new government will face all the old problems that caused so much trouble to its predecessor – the cost of living, government finances, the fiscal burden , a dangerous world – no majority, however large, can extinguish these colossal challenges.”

Easy and Cheap Drinks: 03 Practical Recipes to make at your party.


03 Easy recipes for cheap drinks to make at your party.

When we’re short on cash and the end of the month is a problem, right? When we think about a party, one of the first questions that comes to mind is: What are we going to drink ? How much are we going to spend? Who’s going to make it? Does anyone know how to make some drinks easily and cheaply ? Let’s go!

The end of the month, or simply having  little money , is something that makes us worried and, sometimes,  gets in the way of doing something . We have to save, but, at the same time, enjoy ourselves to the fullest.

Anyway, we are here to help you, so we will teach you  how to make  3 very easy and cheap drinks to make at your party :

1. Caipirinha

One of the greatest symbols of  Brazil , this is a classic drink,  very easy to prepare, very  cheap and  very delicious . No wonder it is in our top 1 of easy and cheap drinks.


  • 2 Lemons
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • Is it
  • Liquor

Preparation method:

  1. Cut the lemons in half;
  2. Using a V-shaped cut, remove the white core of the lemon;
  3. Cut slices of lemons crosswise;
  4. Place the lemon pieces in the glass with the peel facing down;
  5. Add sugar to the glass;
  6. Mash the lemon (so as not to force the peel)
  7. Add ice to the glass;
  8. Top up with cachaça.

The  practicality  and  simplicity  of the recipe has led to the emergence of countless versions and recipes inspired by it. In which the  cachaça is replaced  by  vodka sake  or other spirits, or the  lemons are replaced  by other fruits, such as  strawberries kiwi passion fruit , etc.

2. Spanish

sweet drink  for those who prefer lighter options. Very  simple easy  and  tasty , the  Spanish drink  is an option for those who enjoy a red wine.


  • 1 Pineapple
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 1 Red wine

Preparation method:

  1. Cut the pineapple into slices;
  2. Blend the sliced ​​pineapple, can of condensed milk and red wine in a blender until smooth and creamy.

3. Sangria

Another  easy and cheap drink for wine  lovers  . This is a  drink  of  Spanish origin , which combines  fruit  with  wine . It is ideal for  tropical climates  and is very popular in the  summer .


  • 1 sliced ​​orange
  • 1 sliced ​​apple
  • 3 slices of pineapple
  • 1 dry red wine
  • 1 soda lemonade
  • ½ cup orange juice
  • Sugar

Preparation method:

  1. Add the fruits to a jar;
  2. Add sugar to taste;
  3. Add ½ cup of orange juice, soda, lemonade and wine;
  4. Add ice and mix well.

The Director of ‘Inside Out’ was inspired by his own daughter to create the protagonist.


Pete Docter said he reflected a lot on his daughter’s anxieties and insecurities during puberty to develop the character.

Also responsible for the 2 films in the franchise and also for “UP” .

Among the films released in theaters recently, “Inside Out 2” is already considered a huge success.

Produced by  Disney Pixar , the new film has already grossed over $1 billion at the global box office, becoming the highest-grossing film of the year to date. The sequel has won over both adults and children, sparking discussions on social media about maturity and mental health. Many scenes have gone viral, with viewers identifying with the emotions of protagonist Riley Andersen.

Released in 2015, the first “Inside Out” film told the story of an 11-year-old girl who moves to San Francisco with her parents and faces the challenges of this transition. Accompanied by her five emotions — Joy, Sadness, Fear , Anger and Disgust — Riley navigates the complexities of her new life. Now, nine years later, the sequel shows Riley as a 13-year- old girl , dealing with the typical dilemmas of this period , such as the beginning of high school, friendships and hormonal changes.

In addition to the original emotions,  “Inside Out 2”  introduces new emotions: Impatience , Envy, Shame and Boredom, with a brief appearance by Nostalgia.

Although she is an animated character, Riley is inspired by a real person: Elie Docter, daughter of Pete Docter, one of the creators of “Inside Out” and director of the first film.

Em entrevista ao jornal americano The Washington Post, o roteirista contou que observou de perto as mudanças e desafios que sua filha passou ao entrar na puberdade. Ao refletir sobre a dificuldade dessa período da vida, Docter decidiu trazer elementos dessa experiência para o cinema.

“Watching my daughter [grow up] made me a little sad. As a father, I would play and do some of this ‘make believe.’ And that was going away. That was a big part of the movie.”

In addition to expressing some of Elie’s anxieties in the character Riley, Pete Docter also shared some of his own questions and insecurities in the character of his father, Bill Andersen.

He explained that many of the problems his daughter faced during puberty , especially in the school environment , might seem small and not urgently stressful. However, for the young girl, they were clear signs of fear , impatience and concerns about situations that are beyond human control.

“I have this test tomorrow and I’m not prepared,” was one of the things Elie said to her father when she was worried about her school assessments.

Elie Docter is currently 25 years old. Still young , she not only inspired the generation of the protagonist of “Inside Out”, but also participated in one of Disney Pixar ‘s most iconic films  , “Up”. In the animation, she gave voice to the young version of Ellie, Carl’s great love .

In the first “Inside Out,” Pete Docter worked as a screenwriter and director, alongside Ronnie del Carmen. In this new production, Kelsey Mann, who has experience at Pixar, makes her directorial debut . Pete Docter, the father in the story, also lends his voice to the emotion Anger of Mr. Andersen, Riley’s father.

Historic box office record

In its first weekend of release , the  Pixar production  grossed US$140 million outside the United States and became the biggest opening weekend in the history of animation in the world market. The figure beat  Frozen 2 , which in 2019 reached US$135 million in its first week of release.

The animation also did very well in the United States and became the biggest box office opening for a film since ” Barbie”  last year . With US$ 155 million accumulated in the country, the film is only behind The Incredibles 2″  among Pixar productions, which in 2018 reached US$ 182 million.

Bitcoin melts to US$57,000 with selling pressure. BTG analyst sees “good opportunity”.


The world’s largest cryptocurrency is being hurt by considerable selling pressure, but the scenario could still change in the coming months.

The cryptocurrency, bitcoin, reinforced its downward movement this Thursday, the 4th, and is currently operating with a devaluation of 4.3% in the last 24 hours, according to data from the CoinGecko platform . With this, the cryptocurrency is quoted at US$ 57.3 thousand, its lowest price in more than 2 months.

This poor performance of the world’s largest cryptocurrency is affecting the crypto market as a whole, which has accumulated losses of 5.9% in the last 24 hours. Ether , the second largest crypto on the market, has fallen 5.3%, trading at US$ 3,118. And, in the accumulated total of the last seven days, the devaluation of these assets is even greater.

And, During this Thursday’s ” Crypto Morning Call “, Lucas Josa , analyst at Mynt, BTG Pactual’s crypto platform, highlighted that “the market has been suffering a lot in the last 48 hours”, but this significant drop in the last few days also represents an opportunity for investors with a long-term focus.

He, Josa , highlighted that there is a “very strong selling pressure happening from the German government, with hundreds of millions of dollars, and it doesn’t seem like there are any deals being made to buy these bitcoins from the other side.” The country’s authorities have made several transfers in recent days to brokerages, indicating a possible sale of these assets.

Anticipating Possible Price Drops

Therefore, in addition, the analyst pointed out that the start of payments to former clients of the bankrupt brokerage Mt. Gox “also scares” the market, since the exchange needs to pay around US$ 9 billion to investors. As a result, investors have been operating to anticipate possible drops in the price of the cryptocurrency, resulting in this recent drop.

This move “puts the market in an even more delicate situation, and we need to monitor what will happen.” On the other hand, Josa said that the medium and long-term trend for bitcoin and the market as a whole is still bullish, especially due to the improvement in the scenario of interest rate cuts in the United States.

Also, “Good news for those who are watching the market melt down and are looking for a good opportunity is that the probability of a cut at the September meeting has risen again. The S&P is reacting very well to this, as is the dollar,” he commented.

In the case of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, the analyst believes that the selling pressure surrounding the cryptocurrency has prevented it from benefiting from this change in outlook at this time. However, the scenario may change depending on the developments of the bitcoin sale and the Federal Reserve’s position on the US interest rate.

Image: freepik