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Which groups are at risk from dust in Greece.


April heatwave “strangles” Greece – Which groups are at risk from dust.

Greece faces an unprecedented climate anomaly.

The intense effect of the transport of African dust   will “suffocate” the country in the coming hours, with temperatures reaching 32 degrees while the calendar shows… April 1st!

The meteorologist at the National Observatory, Kostas Lagouvardos, spoke to Realnews about the high prices of African dust and also about the phenomenon that is expected to hit Greece with the heat that came out of nowhere!

“What we experienced in the previous days was not a great episode. I would say it was something common. Every year we encounter this in our country. It’s not a paradox, especially in March,” Lagouvardos initially said.

And he continued by stating that “according to our forecast models, it appears that a new wave of dust and heat from Africa will arrive in our country from Monday onwards”. Concentration prices will be the same, but they will last longer.”

New episodes of African dust accumulation are expected until the end of May.

At the same time, new episodes of African dust concentration are expected until the end of May, according to Professor – President of the Department of Physics at the University of Patras and Director of the Atmospheric Physics Laboratory, Andreas Kazantzidis. As he explains, “during spring, that is, from March to May, atmospheric circulation helps us to have an invasion of desert gas masses over the eastern Mediterranean”.

Regarding the latest invasion of African dust, Andreas Kazantzidis told APE – ME that “there was a period of three days in which the concentration values ​​of African dust were significantly high, while the worst day was last Wednesday”. The fact that in the region the average daily concentration of PM10 particles was 65 µg/m³ is indicative.

“This value”, he added, “is quite significant, if we take into account that the World Health Organization says that the limit of 50µg/m³ should not be exceeded more than 35 times a year”. “Essentially”, he continued, “it was one of the important episodes of concentration of African dust, which, however, is not extreme”, since, as he repeats, “during the spring we have an invasion of African dust”.

«After all», as the professor highlighted, «the closer an area is to Africa, the more difficult the situation is with African dust, which is why the island of Crete faced the biggest problems, due to the high values ​​of dust concentration” .

Speaking about particle concentrations, he said that “the characteristic we have is that most of them are not on the ground, but a few kilometers above, because they travel a little higher in the atmosphere, as they come from far away”.

Citing a satellite image, he said that “we see the dust layer, but this does not mean that it is also on the ground, as only a percentage reaches it, which we see and understand in visibility anyway”. Regarding suspended dust particles, Andreas Kazantzidis told APE – BEE “that they are large and not small like the pollution we have in winter, such as burning in fireplaces”.

“So,” he continued, “in our network that shows the real-time values ​​of the small particles, surprisingly we saw nothing, when in fact we had very high values ​​for the large particles.”

At the same time, the professor stressed that “suspended particles in general are probably the most difficult phenomenon for us and the most difficult factor, when we want to see the role of atmospheric science, whether talking about the weather forecast for the next day, or we’re still talking about climate change… Particulate matter is moving west and there’s a lot of work showing how that’s affecting fertility in the Amazon lands on the other side of the Atlantic.”

“It is a phenomenon”, he highlighted, “that goes beyond the borders of a State, obviously affecting people’s health”. Furthermore, Andreas Kazantzidis mentioned that “airborne particles have one more characteristic, that is, they also greatly affect cloudiness”, adding that: “Specifically, what will happen to clouds depends on how many particles are in the atmosphere. As we know, clouds do not contain pure water, but rather salts, which are actually dissolved suspended particles. If there were no suspended particles, there would be no clouds in the atmosphere, except those that are very high, that is, where planes fly, and that are thin.

Therefore it is very important how many particles there are, what particles they are and where they move.

So their role as we see them, but also their role in how they interact with water in the atmosphere, are the two main factors that we know the least about at the moment, about how the atmosphere behaves and what will happen to them. . next years”.

Meanwhile, Andreas Kazantzidis, responding to a question about pollution in the atmosphere of Patras during the winter by suspended microparticles, mainly due to burning fireplaces, said that “it was a good year, because the weather conditions helped” and added: “How we did not have very low temperatures at night, fireplaces were used less and this resulted in fewer suspended microparticle emissions.

In other words, it was a mild winter and therefore the pollution conditions were also mild.”

Professor Zerefos warns – “Extreme phenomena are coming”.

The temperature at the end of March  will now reach 30 degrees in several regions of the country and in some it may exceed them. A phenomenon that will be very common in the future…

“We entered a period of overheating that led to the destabilization of the climate”, observed Christos Zerefos, speaking to OPEN.

“March was a month that had temperatures above normal values ​​in all regions of the country. In some, it was the hottest in at least 15, 20 years,” said Kostas Lagouvardos, Director of Research at the Athens Observatory, and continued:

“What worries us most are the averages, which we see that for many months, essentially from July last year until March, the temperature in our country is constantly well above normal.”

The heat will continue

Seasonally high temperatures will continue and April will enter with the mercury reaching 30 degrees Celsius. With African dust even returning to Greece.

“On April 1st and 2nd we will have a serious hot invasion. We are talking about extreme behavior,” added Lagouvardos.

“The winter has shrunk, it is milder, there is no rain, there is no snow, all this leads to awakening situations and we and the administrators, the State, must be prepared to deal with extreme phenomena”, Zerefos later argued.

UEFA, changes to the format of the Champions League.


Europa League and Conference League from the 2024/25 season and is creating a great challenge for Greek teams.

In the shadow of the national team’s exclusion from the Euro 2024 finals, an extremely interesting information day was held on Tuesday in Athens by UEFA regarding the format of its interclub competitions for the 2024-25 season. Because from September everything changes in the UEFA Champions League, the UEFA Europa League and the Europa Conference League.

UEFA’s main directors presented all the changes in detail and resolved all the issues in two meetings they held (one with representatives of the Super League teams and the other with representatives of the Greek media).

In the presence of general secretary Theodoros Theodoridis, UEFA deputy general secretary and director of football Giorgio Marchetti, director of interclub events Tobias Hendchuk, director of strategic development of interclub events Stefan Anselmos and consultant Confederation media officer, Andreas Dimatos, answered all questions and, most importantly, gave everyone present the opportunity to understand how great the opportunity is for Greek football to “build” this year’s extremely productive season in European competitions , but also to take advantage of the innovations of the new format.

But what are the most important differences and what major benefits can Greek football achieve? Let’s list them one by one through our own “blue and white” prism:

More teams in the first phase, more opportunities for Greece too

By abolishing the group stage that has been with us for 32 years and by establishing a uniform result in the three competitions, UEFA increases by a total of 12 the number of teams that will participate after the summer qualifiers in the Champions League, Europa League and UEFA Champions League. Europa Conference.

Until this year 32 teams participated in the group stage (96 in total in the three cups) from September there will be 36 (108 in total).

How will the 12 extra tickets be distributed?

1) In the Champions League, it is awarded to the team from the country that occupies 5th place in the UEFA rankings. The second and third will be won by the teams with the best overall ranking of their teams from the previous season (meaning almost every season will end in England, Spain, Italy, Germany). And the fourth (related to the current champion of Greece) will be given to the path of champions. Until today the number of champions who qualified for the groups was 4, now there are 5.

2) In the Europa League, an extra ticket will be awarded to the teams that will be excluded from the champions’ path in the Champions League, one to the country that is in 7th position in the UEFA rankings and two more to the teams that will qualify in the qualifiers in August.

3) In the Conference League, two extra tickets will be given to teams that will be eliminated from the Europa League qualifiers and another two to teams that qualify in the August qualifiers.

The Europa League also becomes accessible to Greek teams.

And here we come to the great benefit that Greek teams can obtain, if, of course, they take advantage of the new conditions for holding European cups.

With the current data, apart from the Champions League and the Europa League, it seemed prohibitive for Greek excesses. This is because after the conclusion of the group stage, the passage of eight teams from the Champions League to the Europa League (among which there were also 2 teams from the European elite leagues almost every season) increased the level of difficulty of the competition.

One of UEFA’s great innovations is not to transfer teams from one competition to another mid-season (teams will only be “promoted” during the summer qualifiers. What does this mean?

That teams participating in the first phase of the Champions League will be able to claim European distinction ONLY in the Champions League. The same in the Europa League, the same in the Europa Conference League. With the new system for holding its interclub competitions, UEFA essentially rewards the “powerful” European football players in the Champions League with large bonuses and makes both Europe and the Europa Conference League more “open” for teams from the second and second leagues. . .third gear, like the Greek.
Greek place also guaranteed in the Europa League

The increase in teams in the first phase of the Europa League, however, brings an additional benefit to our country. Until the 2023/24 season, only countries ranked up to 15th in the UEFA rankings and, of course, any teams (even from other countries) that reached the groups excluded from the Champions League qualifiers were guaranteed representation in the competition. Now, however, the countries’ representation in the Europa League “opens” to 33rd position in the UEFA rankings. For this reason, although next year we will once again have only four European tickets, one will give access to the Europa League qualifiers and not the Europa Conference League.
More points opportunities in all events

Another extremely important innovation (which most affects the Champions League and the Europa League) is that teams will now be drawn in a guaranteed manner and with teams of their own capacity. What do we know so far? That teams in the same pot cannot be tied with each other. Forget…

The new format of the draws (which will now be carried out electronically) will have the following rules.

Champions League and Europa League: The 36 teams are divided into 4 capacity groups of 9 teams. Each team will play 8 matches in the first phase (4 home/4 away). Two of your opponents will come from the same ability group and the other six opponents will come in pairs from the other groups.

For example, if the champion of Greece is in the 4th ability group, he will play:

1. Two games (one at home and one away) with teams from the 1st group.
2. Two games (one at home and one away) with teams from the 2nd group.
3. Two games (one at home and one away) with teams from the 3rd group.
4. Two matches (one at home and one away) with teams from the 4th group.

It is automatically understood that Greek teams will have the opportunity to score more points in their games (since they will now also face their own “cubic” opponents), thus more possibilities to improve our overall national ranking in the UEFA standings.

Europa Conference League: The 36 teams are divided into 6 capacity groups of 6 teams. In the first phase, each team will play 6 matches (3 at home and 3 away) against a representative from each capacity group.

What does the knockout bracket mean?

Another important change concerns the format of the qualifying draw after the end of the first phase. Until today we knew that there were “strong” and “weak” players up to the round of 16 and from the quarter-finals onwards, draws were unlimited.
Now the system is changing completely. In the qualifiers, essentially a bracket (“net”) similar to that which exists in major professional tennis tournaments applies.

This means that the teams that finish in 1st and 2nd place in the three competitions will not be able to face each other until the final.

The specific system will help Greek teams (mainly in the Europa Conference League, but now also in the Europa League) to pursue “historical excesses” with greater demands, as long as they manage to finish in the highest positions in the standings at the end of the first phase. A completely realistic and achievable goal. The higher they finish after completing the 8 or 6 matches they will have, the more viable their path to the final will be.

The financial benefits of Greek national teams

In addition to the competitive benefits, the financial profits of Greek teams are multiplied, not just those participating in European competitions. To understand the new financial data for the UEFA cups, until this year the value attributed to teams that did not participate in their interclub competitions amounted to 177 million euros. From next year, it will rise to 308 million euros!

It is, therefore, easy to see that the new format of the Champions League and especially the Europa League and the Europa Conference League seems like a “golden” opportunity for Greek football. As UEFA general secretary Theodoros Theodoridis highlighted in his greeting to representatives of the Greek teams and the media: “It is a great opportunity for Greece”.

Source: themasports.tothemaonline

United States against the wall, China strengthens diplomatic alliances.


In the Americas and the Asia and Pacific region, more and more countries are turning to Chinese influence, while Washington seeks to renew old ties.

The growing Chinese influence in the world is obvious. A good thermometer is Latin America . In recent years,  China  has emerged as the region’s second-largest trading partner, second only to the  United States , as it has channeled investment into crucial sectors such as energy and mining, and other general infrastructure projects. There is an ambitious project underway to  “dominate” the south of the continent  and make it   Beijing’s new backyard .

With this objective in mind, China consolidated a new pact with leaders from Latin America and the Caribbean, aiming to deepen ties in practically all sectors of society, an initiative that some analysts see as a strategy of regional “domination”, according to an article from the Daily Mail newspaper  . The current scenario is diametrically opposed to that of 20 years ago, when Chinese economic and political presence in the Americas was minimal.

Under this agreement, Beijing committed to providing the region with nuclear technology for civilian use, collaborating in the development of peaceful space programs, implementing  5G networks  – despite warnings from Washington about possible uses for espionage, such as  Huawei  – and offering loans low interest rates and financing for ambitious development projects.

The commitment of the Asian giant.

Furthermore, the Asian giant is committed to building schools and supporting courses that promote the teaching of Chinese language and culture, such as the  Confucius Institutes , public educational and cultural promotion programs maintained by the Chinese International Education Foundation. However, such initiatives  have been criticized  in countries such as the USA and the United Kingdom, due to suspicions that they promote  state propaganda  and restrict academic freedom.

Aside from cultural influence, China continues to lead trade with major economies in Latin America, including  Brazil , Chile and Peru. Analysts project that this trend will continue, with the volume of trade between China and Latin America doubling over the next ten years.

Chinese products are increasingly popular in the region due to their affordable prices, ranging from cars to electronics. Recently, automakers such as  BYD  and  GWM  announced projects in Latin America, with emphasis on Brazil, such as the production of batteries by  BYD  in the Manaus Free Trade Zone.

However, according to the  Deutsche Welle  (DW) network, the trade relationship is unequal, with Latin America mainly supplying raw materials to China, such as iron, aluminum and tin. For example, Chile recorded an export surplus of around 10 billion dollars with China in 2021, driven mainly by exports of copper and cherries from the Andes. However, Chile does not represent a significant market for the Chinese economy in terms of imports.


In 2022, China and CELAC, an alliance of Latin American and Caribbean states covering almost all countries in the region, including major players such as  Brazil Argentina , Colombia, Venezuela, Uruguay and Chile, signed a comprehensive agreement called “ Joint Action Plan for Cooperation in Key Areas ”. The pact outlines relations between the countries involved until 2024, focusing on cooperation between governments, banks, companies and educational institutions.

Although it contains general commitments, such as preserving the environment and promoting sustainability, certain aspects draw attention. One of them is the exchange of  nuclear technology  and the development of practical projects in this area, including the training of nuclear scientists. Although the agreement emphasizes the peaceful nature of these initiatives and promotes nuclear disarmament, it raises concerns due to the possibility of dual use of nuclear technology.

The growing presence of Chinese companies in the defense sector also worries Washington, especially with regard to nuclear cooperation in South America.

China’s commitment to developing space programs for the “peaceful exploration of space” also raises concerns, according to the  Daily Mail article . In the past, Beijing has tried to disguise the launch of  spy satellites  as “communications” ships and denied accusations of testing a hypersonic orbital nuclear bomb, claiming it was a civilian spacecraft for the “peaceful exploration of space”.

US seeks rapprochement

Meanwhile, Washington, which traditionally had these countries as its “backyard”, is seeking to intensify its investments in the region to face the expansion of its main economic rival after a period marked by a problematic lack of attention to the region – since assuming office. office in 2021, President Joe Biden only made one trip to the region, and, from 2017 to 2020, then-President Donald Trump also only appeared here once to participate in the G20 summit in Argentina, recalled the Newsweek magazine  .

Now the atmosphere is different, as Latin America’s energy potential has gained prominence on the international scene, making it a priority for the West.

There is a race to recover losses. While the United States has decreased its involvement in the region, China has strengthened its trade ties and infrastructure investments, taking advantage of the large market and abundant natural resources.

Countries like  Mexico  have a strong place in the White House’s ambitions, according to experts interviewed by  DW  Christopher Garman, executive director for the Americas in Eurasia, and Julia Thomson, researcher at the same consultancy, benefiting from their proximity to the USA and the nearshoring strategy  , which seeks to guarantee the supply chain in allied countries closer to consumer markets.

In the American Congress, the US investment bill is advancing, which seeks to strengthen  nearshoring  in Latin America with an investment of US$ 14 billion and tax reductions. Meanwhile, US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo is considering including Brazil in investments in semiconductors. However, former Brazilian ambassador to China, Marcos Caramuru, expresses skepticism about the US’s ability to compete with Chinese investments in the region, pointing to differences in each country’s business model.

Asia and the Pacific

This ongoing geopolitical tussle also occurs in the Asia and Pacific region, where local populations may find themselves both benefiting and negatively impacted by this dispute between the two powers.

Chinese political and cultural influence in the region is particularly marked in countries such as Cambodia, Laos and Pakistan, where Beijing has made large investments in infrastructure, energy and transport projects. While these investments have boosted economic growth in these countries, creating jobs and improving infrastructure, they have also increased their dependence on China.

In Cambodia, in Sihanoukville, in the Gulf of Thailand, a strategic position in the Indo-Pacific, a military base capable of accommodating any ship of the PLA Navy (People’s Liberation Army), including its new Type 003 aircraft carrier,  is under construction .

In Laos, the New Silk Road  (BRI)  initiative  , the China-Laos railway , valued at US$5.9 billion, brought the small country closer to its goal of having access to the sea, even though it does not have a coastline. . However, nearly two years after the railway opened in December 2021, the economic benefits of this investment have not been equally distributed. Some of the less favored classes have problems, particularly farmers. Furthermore, the country’s debt soared.

In Pakistan, there is the  port of Gwadar , a project also financed by the BRI. The  China-Pakistan Economic Corridor  is another ambitious project. However, Chinese citizens have regularly been targeted by Baloch separatists. The rejection of China is linked to the  commercial relationship  between Beijing and Islamabad, which includes a series of   Chinese infrastructure projects in Balochistan, part of the New Silk Road.

In terms of economic impact, Chinese investments have been an important source of financing for many countries in the region, but they have also raised concerns about growing debt and the possibility of a “debt trap”. Furthermore, competition with often cheap Chinese products has harmed local industries in some countries, resulting in job losses and trade imbalances.

The BRI, in fact, changed its focus and has increasingly invested in rescuing indebted partners. In a kind of “bite and blow”, the priority now is to use the money to  rescue countries that have fallen into debt  due to the Chinese initiative itself. The big problem for Chinese creditors is that many debtors are insolvent or lack liquidity, and late installments have already started to appear. Institute  AidData  calculates that “80% of China’s foreign loan portfolio in the developing world currently supports countries in financial distress.”

Washington chases losses

It’s not just Latin America. The Asia and Pacific region is also  the hot spot for the North American government , which has been making efforts to contain China’s growing influence. Last week, Washington reinforced its commitment to the defense of the  Philippines , as animosity between the country and Beijing grows. At the same time, it approved a law that will grant billions of dollars in financing to three small island nations with strategic importance that were being seduced by the Chinese.

In both cases, the US government has made it very clear that its concern is with Chinese aggressiveness, both in the military and diplomatic spheres. And losing this race is not an alternative.

The Philippine issue is  more delicate  and could have developments in the short term, with Manila and Beijing in dispute over the lucrative waters of the  South China Sea . Incidents involving vessels from both countries have been accumulating   , from fishing boats to Coast Guard ships.

The Philippine issue, however, is not the only one that has required frequent US intervention in the region. A parallel concern is China’s increasing presence in the island nations of the Indo-Pacific, signing investment and security agreements that are of most concern to neighboring nations, such as  Australia  and  New Zealand .

In order not to lose even more space, the North American Legislature approved last week a law that offers US$7.1 billion in investments, over 20 years, to Palau, Micronesia and the Marshall Islands, three small island nations that had been suffering pressure to accept similar proposals from Beijing.

Source: areferencia

The dangers of technological advertising and the enigma of the ‘green lantern’.


Final week, I attended the HP Amplify Associate Convention together with the CEOs of AMD, Google, Intel, Nvidia, and Qualcomm. Every of those CEOs praised HP’s effort, however Jensen Huang stood out as a result of he actively pitched HP’s new workstation and PC strains, which he had inspired HP to construct.

One of many frequent discussions was why Dell was getting a lot credit score, provided that it doesn’t have an AI resolution and considerably lagged HP in safety, companions, sustainability, and AI.

On the finish of the occasion, one in all my favourite actors, Ryan Reynolds, joined nearly. Reynolds was on a shoot, however his accomplice was on stage and introduced up the “Inexperienced Lantern” film, which it’s been reported Reynolds regrets doing. I paid consideration as a result of I beloved “Inexperienced Lantern” although it underperformed.

I noticed that HP’s drawback with Dell was what typically occurs when the advertising for a product and the product itself turns into decoupled, or the fallacious persons are satisfied that an providing is for them.

Prior to now, I’ve elegantly argued that it is a mismatch of type and performance. Primarily based on what was introduced at Amplify, I’d like to call this drawback the “Reynolds Inexperienced Lantern Conundrum.” Since it is a widespread drawback, I’ll flesh it out this week.

We’ll shut with my Product of the Week, a brand new gaming laptop computer from HP that’s the most sustainable, superior, and engaging gaming pocket book coming to market: the HP Omen Transcend 14-inch pocket book.

IBM, Dell, and Type Over Operate

Again once I was working at IBM and after I’d left Inside Audit, I used to be in advertising and have become involved that we have been actively telling governments to not purchase aggressive merchandise as a result of we had one thing higher coming. That sometimes wouldn’t be an issue, however we had killed that whole effort, and there actually wasn’t something coming, not to mention “one thing higher.”

I met with the pinnacle of promoting and identified that I assumed this was extremely unethical and doubtless unhealthy as a result of governments not solely don’t have a humorousness once you deceive them, however they’ll make your life a dwelling hell in the event that they discover out — and it’s fairly laborious to hide a promised product that has been terminated. IBM is among the most moral corporations on this planet, and he responded, “You don’t perceive, Rob. That is advertising!”

Nicely, I’ve spent a lot of my superior schooling in advertising and have a level in it, and I can categorically say that isn’t true. I resigned shortly after that, and that CMO was fired (with a bit assist from me). But it surely caught with me that a variety of people, notably engineers, equate advertising with mendacity, and that sometimes ends badly for the shoppers first and the corporate shortly thereafter.

You will get away with doing this if you’ll be able to present the answer earlier than individuals discover out you weren’t telling the reality. This strategy has seen success in some high-profile instances, nevertheless it failed for Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos, showcasing that “pretend it until you make it” has some relatively extreme downsides if you happen to can’t execute.

It’s unhealthy when a CEO does this, however probably even worse if an govt within the firm does it as a result of then the CEO believes the lie and may be held accountable for it.

AMD/HP and Operate Over Type

There’s an much more frequent drawback in our business: Some corporations are so afraid of the primary drawback that they over-pivot. Regardless that they’ve a large aggressive benefit, they don’t wish to aggressively pitch it as a result of they’re frightened they is likely to be overselling it.

These corporations underperform financially as a result of this isn’t a “construct it, and they’re going to come” market. Should you don’t market your benefit, you gained’t get credit score for it. Years in the past, AMD was burned as a result of it over-promoted an underperforming product and virtually went out of enterprise, so it’s now understandably gun-shy.

Nevertheless, in relation to competing with Intel within the workstation section, in accordance with HP — which buys closely from each AMD and Intel — AMD on the similar worth gives higher battery life and efficiency.

We noticed this play out when Lenovo took AMD’s spectacular client Threadripper processor, put it in a workstation, and grabbed the top-end of the workstation market from Dell. Engineers purchase workstations, and so they are inclined to do their due diligence and have been amazed at how good this half was.

AMD’s picture is that it’s a cheaper, lower-performing various to Intel. However this half is neither cheaper nor underperforming. HP launched its AI-focused Threadripper workstation that runs on Nvidia graphics at its Amplify convention, and Nvidia’s CEO was promoting the heck out of it. (Piece of recommendation: By no means, ever communicate after Jensen Huang. The man is superb on stage.)

Home windows 95, Jensen Huang, and AI

One of many fascinating issues Huang stated was that HP’s AI-focused PC and workstation line and its advertising effort round it’s a Home windows 95 second in that it might change PCs eternally — and I agree with one monumental distinction.

Home windows 95 had an preliminary $400 million launch funds which had individuals lined up across the block to purchase the product. Whereas Microsoft later lower that funds as a result of the corporate couldn’t assist that sort of demand, it nonetheless highlights what is feasible if the advertising effort aligns with the product.

Each main tech CEO who took the stage greater than steered this AI effort was a large game-changer, probably far higher than Home windows 95 might have been again then, given the state of expertise. But the identical demand isn’t being generated.

Sometimes, with any trendy expertise, we’ll argue that you simply’ll get one thing like a ten% productiveness improve. Wharton did a research with last-generation AI displaying it was extra like 80%, that means that corporations that deploy AI successfully will outstrip their rivals sooner than they’ll reply except they, too, embrace AI.

These are fairly actually firm life-or-death merchandise, however people are considering of them as a typical annual product cycle although they’re something however.

The Distinctive Concern HP Is Addressing

The issue with all AI choices is that too few individuals perceive AI, together with the distributors that make it and particularly those who promote it. Each Nvidia’s and Google’s CEOs pointed this out on stage.

Huang is so enthusiastic about HP as a result of HP listened to that warning. Its plan started with inside coaching, so HP is changing into an AI knowledgeable and has already deployed or is deploying it extensively within the firm. HP can also be rolling out certification and coaching packages to make sure its channel (it’s uniquely 85% oblique) and that clients are properly educated.

So, it has {hardware}, providers, software program, coaching, and certifications. This protection assures HP clients gained’t be like most clients with failed AI deployments as a result of a number of of these parts don’t exist.

Wrapping Up: The Ryan Reynolds ‘Inexperienced Lantern’ Conundrum

Assuming that few of you could have seen “Inexperienced Lantern,” I’ll use “Dune” as the instance right here.

“Dune” is massively profitable, however the older “Dune” film that wasn’t profitable was higher. The distinction was not how the films have been created however the lack of coupling between advertising and content material.

For advertising to work, it must be concerned from the beginning and have some say on the content material. If advertising is completed proper and correctly staffed (there are means too many individuals with advertising titles who don’t know advertising), the marketing campaign is constructed based mostly on the information of the viewers.

This similar data ought to inform the manufacturing of the film so the 2 type organically. The viewers, or within the case of AI, the client, is worked up in regards to the product, and the product lives as much as the hype, which is the way you get a real hit.

If I had my means, the advertising workforce could be concerned with the product and ethically vetted from cradle to launch to make sure promotional effort matches the product’s potential, and the product matches the demand that advertising creates.

The conundrum is that advertising persons are typically seen as lifeless weight through the creation of a product although they, not the engineers, make sure the product’s success.

I’ve typically thought that what you should do to right that is to construct the advertising marketing campaign first, take a look at it, after which construct the product to match the marketing campaign relatively than what is usually finished, which is to construct the product in a vacuum after which throw it to advertising to put it up for sale.

Paradoxically, this may occasionally have been what’s being finished with the newest “Deadpool” film (I’m an enormous fan). I’m wanting ahead to seeing how that works out and hoping for a future Hal Jorden “Deadpool” crossover with Ryan Reynolds enjoying each roles. AI might make that occur.

Tech Product of the Week

HP Omen Transcend 14-Inch Laptop computer

What’s the good PC? It needs to be totally different for everybody. For me, it’s the Qualcomm-based HP Elite Folio I exploit. For others, it is likely to be one thing just like the HP Omen Transcend 14-fb0097nr pocket book that blends important efficiency with a large sustainability story (a lot of the product is constructed from high-quality recycled supplies) and a HyperX keyboard. The keyboard actually caught my eye as a result of my palms typically slip off the navigation keys when gaming, resulting in an avoidable demise.

This pocket book has Intel’s newest AI-enhanced (NPU) Core 9 Extremely Processor, a tremendous Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 graphics card, and an affordable (for a gaming pocket book) $2,250 worth.

The HP Omen Transcend is fairly in individual. It’s coloured in Shadow Black Aluminum and weighs an affordable 3.6 lbs., which is exceptionally mild for a gaming pocket book.

Omen Transcend Laptop computer 14-fb0097nr (Picture Credit score: HP)

When RTX graphics aren’t wanted, it shifts to the Intel ARC graphics system, giving it as much as 13 hours of video playback for films and lightweight work, which is spectacular for a gaming pocket book.

This product gives a basis for the approaching AI content material, together with AI-driven NPCs, which I’m personally wanting ahead to. It additionally offers you an incredible platform to play on, study AI on as desktop AI choices roll to market, and impress your mates since you’ll have AI assist earlier than anybody else you understand does.

Granted, initially, a lot of what’s going to use this AI subsystem is in early improvement, however this product is among the first that’s totally AI-ready. Thus, the HP Omen Transcend Laptop computer 14-inch is my Product of the Week.

Source: technewsworld

22 million diners enjoy South African restaurants across the country, report reveals.


The South African restaurant trade has seen some constructive progress in 2023.

  • South Africa’s restaurant trade thrived in 2023 regardless of powerful financial circumstances, with 22.6 million visitors having dined at eateries nationwide.
  • Elements contributing to the trade’s success included a shift to on-line bookings, superior planning, bigger group reservations throughout peak seasons, and better charges of buyer evaluations.
  • In accordance with the 2024 Dineplan Traits Report, about 4.3 million reservations had been recorded on the platform. 
  • For extra way of life information, go to the News24 Life entrance web page.

Regardless of powerful financial occasions for a lot of South Africans, the nation’s restaurant sector appears to be thriving, having recorded a rise in reservations and seated diners in 2023.

In accordance with the 2024 Dineplan Traits Report, about 4.3 million reservations had been recorded on the restaurant reservation platform Dineplan in 2023, with a 27% enhance in patrons seated in comparison with 2022.

Founder and director at Dineplan, Greg Whitfield, stated this quantities to about 22.6 million visitors at eateries nationwide.

“Moreover, native eating places served 3% extra visitors on common in 2023 in comparison with the previous 12 months, indicating a constructive development within the trade’s resilience and adaptableness,” he stated.

Whereas each clients and companies confronted monetary constraints in 2023, Whitfield stated it’s fairly encouraging to see the trade report some inexperienced shoots.

“These outcomes are heartening for the trade, particularly contemplating that 2023 was a 12 months marred with monetary challenges for each customers and companies alike as we navigated rising meals and gasoline costs, inflation and ongoing bouts of load shedding,” he added.

READ | Western Cape dominates Dineplan Reviewers’ Selection Awards high 100 SA eating places checklist

The corporate additionally outlined a number of elements that influenced the success of the trade in 2023. These embrace clients shifting to on-line bookings, reservations made prematurely, group reservations throughout peak season, and extra.

“We witnessed a decline in phone bookings, which dropped by 7.5% in 2023. Concurrently, on-line bookings surged by a powerful 9.3%, with the app experiencing a 50% enhance in each customers and bookings all year long,” Whitfield stated.

Superior planning

Prospects additionally notably began making reservations greater than per week prematurely, with Thursday 12 pm slots being the height time for planning and making bookings. The popular time for consuming out was Fridays at 18:00.

Group reservations in peak season

The platform additionally noticed a rise to 6 folks per group in the course of the December festive interval, as households and companies gathered at eating places for numerous celebrations, together with Christmas and year-end features.

Prime evaluations

The corporate additionally famous a 15% enhance within the variety of patrons leaving evaluations after their eating expertise in comparison with the identical interval in 2022, highlighting the altering panorama of diner behaviour, with folks sharing extra suggestions on-line.

Whitfield added:

It is also heartening to notice that the typical evaluate rating stays excessive at 4.4 out of 5 stars, reflecting persistently constructive eating experiences.

“The Dineplan platform processes a powerful 25 000 public evaluations per 30 days, averaging 808 per day,” stated Whitfield.

Upfront fee

In accordance with the report, there was a 42% enhance within the quantity of reserving deposits in 2023 in comparison with 2022.

“Impressively, the typical no-show fee for eating places utilizing Dineplan software program is a mere 1.6%, attributed to automated reserving reminders and pay as you go deposits,” Whitfield added.

Prime eating places

The report additionally revealed that among the most booked eating places on the platform in 2023 embrace JoyJozi in Johannesburg, which topped the checklist. This was adopted by Cooks Warehouse at Tintswalo Atlantic and Rosetta’s Bistro Restaurant Kitchen.

“Eating places play a constructive position in each the upliftment of our nation via tourism and job creation whereas offering our native residents with a platform to socialize and construct group.

“We’re happy to see these constructive outcomes year-on-year, which highlights the resilience of our eating places to navigate a troublesome working surroundings with evolving challenges annually. I sit up for seeing how these numbers and achievements change via 2024,” Whitfield stated.

Source: news24

Rose Hanbury, Who Is, and How Does She Relate to the Kate Middleton Drama?


Social media for another tangent of unfounded gossip and conspiracy theories.

Amid the unfolding Kate Middleton drama a further participant has appeared, sending social media off on one other tangent of unfounded gossip and conspiracy theories.

In Britian’s aristocratic circles she’s referred to as Woman Rose Hanbury, the Marchioness of Cholmondeley (pronounced “Chumley”), and has lengthy been linked to the British Royal Household by her well-heeled household and their prestigious place in British excessive society.

FILE – Rose Hanbury attends a ebook launch in 2005.

For years, the royal gossip mill has speculated that Hanbury is Prince William’s alleged mistress, although it has by no means been confirmed. Rumblings of a attainable affair first surfaced amongst royal watchers in 2019 and now, amid wild hypothesis of the Princess of Wales’ whereabouts and a collection of missteps by the Kensington Palace PR machine, her identify has resurfaced in reference to the drama.

The hearsay kicked into excessive gear this week. The Late Present host Stephen Colbert even addressed it in his opening monologue on Tuesday evening’s present. (You’ll be able to watch beneath.)

Right here’s what you have to find out about Woman Rose, how she’s related to the royal household and the way these resurfaced rumours have been given new life.

How are the Hanburys related to the Royal Household?

Sarah Rose Hanbury was born on March 15, 1984 to her dad and mom, Timothy Hanbury and Emma Longman. She is one in all three youngsters, with an older sister and a youthful brother.

Timothy and Emma have been each designers: she labored in trend and inside design, whereas he labored in web site design.

Lengthy earlier than Rose Hanbury was related to the Prince and Princess of Wales, the household was related to the royals. Her maternal grandmother, Woman Elizabeth Lambart, was one in all Queen Elizabeth II’s bridesmaids at her 1947 marriage ceremony to Prince Philip.

Hanbury attended a prestigious boarding college and upon commencement undertook an Open College diploma and started working as a mannequin on the age of 23.

FILE – Rose Hanbury attends the Leon Max Winter Dinner and Dance for ‘Too Many Girls’ in assist of Breakthrough Breast Most cancers at Claridges Resort on December 1, 2011 in London, England.

Round this time, she met her now-husband, David George Philip Rocksavage, seventh Marquess of Cholmondeley. The pair began courting in 2006, inflicting a little bit of a stir, as he’s 23 years her senior.

Hanbury and Rocksavage introduced their engagement in June 2009 and wed two days later. Only a few months later, in October of 2009, they welcomed twin boys into the world, who have been born prematurely forward of their January 2010 due date. A child lady, Iris, was born rather less than seven years later.

Hanbury’s connection to William and Kate

The couple is claimed to have struck up a friendship with the younger royals after they settled into the palatial Houghton Corridor, which is true down the highway from the royal property, Sandringham.

It’s believed Hanbury and Middleton turned quick associates when Middleton would go to her future husband at Sandringham. Later, when William and Middleton moved into Anmer Corridor on Sandringham Property following their 2011 marriage ceremony, the Cambridges and Cholmondeleys developed a robust friendship.

FILE – Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge attend a gala dinner in assist of East Anglia’s Kids’s Hospices’ nook enchantment at Houghton Corridor on June 22, 2016 in King’s Lynn, England. They’re pictured strolling with Rose Hanbury.

Dwelling a stone’s throw from the royal couple earned the Marchioness an invitation to quite a few royal capabilities through the years. In 2017, she was noticed sitting subsequent to Prince Harry at a Buckingham Palace state banquet and in 2022 she attended the memorial service for Prince Philip and the funeral for Queen Elizabeth.

In April 2023, it was introduced that their son Oliver would function one of many pages on the coronation for King Charles, alongside inheritor to the throne, Prince George.

Prince George of Wales (in his function as Web page of Honour) and Web page of Honour Lord Oliver Cholmondeley watch an RAF flypast from the balcony of Buckingham Palace following the Coronation of King Charles III & Queen Camilla at Westminster Abbey on Could 6, 2023 in London, England.

Igniting the hearsay mill

In 2019, rumours of a rift between Hanbury, William and Middleton started circulating, with the tabloids claiming the royal couple had a falling out with the Marchioness.

Across the similar time, rumblings of an alleged affair between the Prince and Hanbury started popping up after a British tabloid printed a narrative claiming that William cheated on his spouse whereas she was pregnant with Prince Louis.

FILE – Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge attend a gala dinner in assist of East Anglia’s Kids’s Hospices’ nook enchantment at Rose Hanbury’s residence, Houghton Corridor, on June 22, 2016 in King’s Lynn, England.

Kensington Palace has denied these rumours, however with this month’s hypothesis into Middleton’s well being, the rumours have gained a brand new foothold.

William, Middleton and Hanbury have by no means immediately addressed the claims, permitting the rumours to fester and tackle a lifetime of their very own. All through historical past British royal mistresses and affairs have been nicely documented, however infidelities are not often addressed by these collaborating.

Royal knowledgeable Omid Scobie informed Leisure Tonight final yr, forward of his royal biography Endgame: Contained in the Royal Household and the Monarchy’s Battle for Survival, that he hasn’t “(seen) proof that there’s extra to this than simply tittle-tattle.”

He added that as a result of the rumours have by no means been addressed head-on, it’s seemingly they are going to “by no means go away.”

“Sadly, if a hearsay is left to form of do its personal factor, it may well run 20 laps all over the world earlier than you even take into consideration what, the way you need to form of deal with it,” he mentioned. “They by no means addressed it, so these rumors won’t ever go away despite the fact that there’s no fact to recommend that they’re true.”

FILE – Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge are greeted by Rose Hanbury, the Marchioness of Cholmondeley as they attend a gala dinner in assist of East Anglia’s Kids’s Hospices’ nook enchantment at Houghton Corridor on June 22, 2016 in King’s Lynn, England.

What brought on the hearsay to resurface?

Royal watchers, more and more hellbent to seek out out extra about Middleton’s well being after her stomach surgical procedure earlier this yr, latched onto {a photograph} of the Princess and her three youngsters that was launched by Kensington Palace over the weekend.

Earlier than a “kill discover” was issued for the picture by 5 main press businesses over suspicions of manipulation, the general public observed the Princess was not carrying her marriage ceremony rings within the picture.

Some defended her, saying that it’s attainable she had eliminated the rings all through her restoration (a time when fingers are identified to fluctuate in dimension), or maybe she doesn’t put on her rings that usually at dwelling.

It’s not typically that Middleton doesn’t put on her giant, blue sapphire engagement ring that after belonged to her mother-in-law. It’s a common a part of her ensemble in official images and appearances, leaving individuals to marvel if there was a bigger motive she wouldn’t be carrying it.

Middleton ultimately issued a mea culpa, admitting to often modifying her images and apologizing “for any confusion” brought on by sharing a manipulated picture, however by then the injury had been completed and lots of watchers dismissed any suggestion that the dearth of rings was an oversight, believing as a substitute that one thing extra sinister was happening.

What’s the Palace doing?

Even to probably the most informal observer, it appears to be like just like the wheels are coming off at Kensington Palace. By preserving Middleton’s well being points below lock and key, in an try to supply her privateness in her restoration from stomach surgical procedure, the general public has grow to be so voracious for updates that it’s grow to be a full-on feeding frenzy of scrutiny, protection, gossip and debate.

Each on-line dialog and conventional media within the U.Okay. have been dominated Tuesday by what the Each day Mirror known as the “Image of Chaos” and the Each day Mail labelled a “PR catastrophe” for the royals.

The tabloid Solar leapt to the princess’ defence with a entrance web page that thundered: “Lay off Kate.” The tabloid mentioned “social media trolls, idiotic conspiracy theorists and sniping media critics” have been bullying the longer term queen.

The Palace, a taxpayer-funded establishment, hasn’t helped issues by refusing to launch the unique picture or pictures that have been used to create the doctored Middleton portrait, leading to extra spiralling hypothesis — the sort they have been seemingly hoping to curb by releasing the picture within the first place.

Of their try and “management the narrative,” the pendulum has swung thus far the opposite means that now the Palace is backed right into a nook. Their credibility took a significant blow this week and, it doesn’t matter what transfer they make subsequent, the general public has signalled that they are going to seemingly have a tough time believing it.

Stephanie Baker, senior lecturer in sociology at Metropolis College of London, mentioned social media amplifies that chatter and permits the creation of “crowd sourced conspiracy theories” that may unfold across the globe.

“Essentially the most severe challenge for the Princess of Wales and the monarchy in gentle of the photoshopped picture is the erosion of belief and credibility,” she informed the Related Press.

If the previous week has confirmed something, the web is clearly adept at cooking up new nonsense and out-there theories surrounding Middleton with each hour that passes, which ultimately get magnified on social media websites like X and TikTok. As we’ve seen this week with the resurfacing of Hanbury, a few of these rumours and outright lies will be very laborious to shake, even years down the highway.

With information from The Related Press

Source: globalnews

Man injured in kidnapping in Rio is hospitalized in serious condition.


The hijacking of a bus on the afternoon of this Tuesday, 12th, in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil.

A 34-year-old man, shot during the hijacking of a bus on the afternoon of Tuesday, 12th, in Rio de Janeiro, is hospitalized in serious condition at the Souza Aguiar Municipal Hospital. He was shot at while outside the vehicle, before the criminal entered.

The crime took place at Rodoviária Novo Rio, the main intercity terminal in the capital of Rio. After around two hours of negotiation with a team from the Special Police Operations Battalion (Bope), the kidnapper surrendered and the 17 people held hostage were released.

Hit by two shots, the victim suffered two puncture wounds, in the chest and abdomen. The man has already undergone three surgeries and received six bags of blood, according to the municipal secretary of Health, Daniel Soranz. Another victim was injured, but only by shrapnel, and was rescued at the scene.

The kidnap 

Armed with a pistol and in possession of a cell phone, the criminal took hostage passengers — including children and elderly people — on a Sampaio bus, which was destined for the Minas Gerais city of Juiz de Fora. Police officers from the Tourist Areas Policing Battalion (BPTur), the 4th BPM (São Cristóvão) and the 5th BPM (Praça da Harmonia), in addition to Bope, intensified policing in the perimeter, which was isolated. The bus station was also completely evacuated.

Governor of Rio, Cláudio Castro celebrated the performance of the state’s security forces, which he considered “exemplary”. “I was in direct contact with the police command, passing two orders: to protect the lives of the hostages and to be relentless in negotiations,” he wrote. Minutes before, he had already informed that he had determined “the maximum dedication of the police officers”.

On social media, the mayor of Rio, Eduardo Paes, stated that “City Hall teams are providing support and guiding drivers in the region”. “The Concessionaire (responsible for the Bus Station) asks that anyone who has a ticket for the next few hours, reschedule their trip,” he wrote.

Source: veja.abril

Obesity medicine is approved for cardiovascular risk in the USA.


Wegovy, not yet available in Brazil, was approved by the FDA to prevent heart attacks and strokes in adults.

In a study, the drug reduced the risk of serious cardiovascular events by 20% in overweight or obese people for a period of up to five years.

Indicated for the treatment of obesity, semaglutide 2.4 mg, trade name Wegovy, received approval in the United States to reduce the risk of complications and death from cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack and stroke, in adults who live with overweight or obesity.

The approval of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), an American regulatory agency, considered a study that showed that the drug from Danish pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk is capable of reducing the risk of serious cardiovascular events by 20% for a period of up to five years.

In a note published last Friday, 8, John Sharretts, director of the Division of Diabetes, Lipid Disorders and Obesity at the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, stated that the drug is the “first weight loss medication to be also approved to help prevent potentially fatal cardiovascular events.” The agency recommends that treatment includes a  low-calorie diet and increased physical activity.

“This patient population is at increased risk of cardiovascular death, heart attack and stroke. Providing a treatment option that has been proven to reduce this cardiovascular risk  is a major advance for public health,” he added.

According to the FDA, among volunteers who received the drug, the reduction in the risk of cardiovascular events was 6.5%. In the placebo group, it was 8%.

“The data demonstrated that Wegovy has the potential to prolong lives by addressing some of the leading causes of preventable deaths and reducing the risk of cardiovascular events,” said  Martin Holst Lange, Executive Vice President and Head of Development at the Danish pharmaceutical company in a statement. .

Semaglutide is part of a class of medications that are among scientists’ bets as a potent weapon against obesity: substances that act on hormone receptors produced by the intestines, such as GLP-1, linked to appetite regulation and rhythm reduction. stomach emptying, thus increasing the duration of the feeling of satiety. Side effects include  gastrointestinal changes, such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation and abdominal pain.

Studies with Wegovy

The study that supported the approval, called Select, was released in August last year and began in 2018 with 17,600 patients over 45 years old and overweight or obese, in addition to established cardiovascular disease, but without a diagnosis of type diabetes. two.

Researchers compared weekly subcutaneous application of semaglutide 2.4 mg with placebo in an analysis carried out in 41 countries at more than 800 research centers. In Brazil, 600  volunteers participated in the trial. The idea was to evaluate whether the drug would have a protective effect against serious adverse cardiovascular events (MACEs).

In the same month, Novo Nordisk released another trial showing that the drug reduced symptoms of heart failure in patients who, in addition to the disease, live with obesity. Weekly injections applied  over a year improved fatigue, physical limitations, exercise tolerance and swelling in the extremities of the body.

Wegovy in Brazil

In Brazil, the medicine was approved by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) only for people with overweight (and comorbidities) and obesity in January last year. However, with the high demand and to avoid the risk of shortages, the pharmaceutical company has not yet announced when it will be available in the country.

According to the Danish company, tests showed that the drug was able to reduce body weight by up to 17% in 68 weeks. Also according to the company, the treatment – ​​carried out with weekly injections – helped to reduce the body weight of one in every three people by 20% and 83.5% of patients showed a weight loss equal to or greater than 5%. 

Semaglutide for other diseases

Semaglutide is also being investigated in studies for the treatment of other conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease,  controlling alcoholism and reducing liver fat.

This month, the Flow study found that semaglutide 1 mg (Ozempic) is capable of reducing the risk of kidney disease in patients with type 2 diabetes by 24%. According to the company, chronic kidney disease is present in 40% of patients who live with diabetes, which is why they requested the expansion of the Ozempic package insert in the United States and the  European Union.

Trials have shown encouraging results for metabolic problems caused by antiretroviral treatments indicated for people living with HIV. An article published this Monday, 11th, in the scientific journal Nature showed results for weight loss and a reduction in hepatic steatosis (fat in the liver). According to the phase 2 clinical trial, carried out in the United States  and Brazil, there was a reduction in liver fat in 31% of volunteers, of which 29% showed resolution of the condition, reaching levels suitable for health.

Source: Veja.abril

Are UFO sightings extraterrestrial technology?


Pentagon denies UFO sightings are extraterrestrial technology.

A Pentagon report on UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) noted that United States government investigations since the end of World War II had found no evidence of extraterrestrial technology and concluded that the majority of sightings were, in fact, objects. and common phenomena misidentified.

The report, released this Friday (08/0309), follows a 2022 announcement from the Pentagon that its then-newly formed All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) found no evidence to suggest aliens visited the Earth or landed here.

The National Defense Authorization Act of 2023.

Under the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, ARRO was required to issue a report to Congress detailing the government’s historical record related to “unidentified anomalous phenomena” (UAP) since 1945.

The first of two volumes was delivered to Congress last week, Pentagon press secretary Maj. Pat Rider said in a statement accompanying the release of the unclassified version.

“AARO found no evidence that any U.S. government investigation, academic-sponsored research, or official review panel confirmed that any UFO sighting represented extraterrestrial technology,” the report’s executive summary said.

“Although many UFO reports remain unsolved or unidentified, AARO assesses that if more and better quality data were available, the majority of these cases could also be identified and resolved as common objects or phenomena,” he said.

What the report said.

The report said that since 1945, the government had funded investigations to determine whether UFOs represented a risk to flight safety, technological advances by competing nations, or evidence of “off-world technology under intelligent control.”

The report said there was a persistent narrative in popular culture that the government, or a secret organization within it, has recovered several “spacecraft and extraterrestrial biological remains” and operates programs to “reverse engineer” the recovered technology.

“AARO recognizes that many people hold versions of these beliefs,” the report states. “The purpose of this report is not to prove or disprove any specific set of beliefs, but rather to use a rigorous analytical and scientific approach to investigate past U.S. government-sponsored UFO investigation efforts.”

Source: CNN

Venezuela, presidential election will be on July 28th.


Venezuela schedules presidential elections for July 28, Chávez’s birthday.

On March 1, Maduro told President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) that elections in Venezuela would be scheduled for the second half of this year and, after a ‘broad agreement with the opposition’, the election will have international observers and an audit of the results will be carried out.

The  presidential elections in Venezuela  will be held on July 28, following the terms of the agreement between the government and the opposition, the electoral authority reported this Tuesday (5).

Traditionally, elections in the country take place in December. July 28th is Hugo Chávez’s birthday.

Elvis Amoroso, president of the National Electoral Council (CNE), a government-controlled body, announced that the body’s board unanimously approved the election date.

Nicolás Maduro will probably try to be re-elected.

Reaction in the Brazilian government

Among members of the Brazilian government, the scheduling of a day for voting in Venezuela was seen as a relief.

In October last year, the Venezuelan government and the opposition reached an agreement on the elections and signed a document called the Barbados Agreement, which establishes guidelines for how the elections should take place. According to the terms, the vote for president should be held in the second half of 2024.

As the date set by the National Electoral Council is in July, it is within that period, which pleased members of the Brazilian government, but who asked not to be identified.

Even though they are relieved with a step forward, with the date set, members of the Brazilian government make a point of remembering that traditionally the election is held at the end of the year, and that the proximity to the elections can give rise to risks, as it is “too early” , as there are impasses created by the Maduro government to be resolved.

Maria Corina Machado

In January, months after the signing of the Barbados Agreement, the Supreme Court of Justice, aligned with Maduro’s government, disqualified Maria Corina Machado, currently the country’s main opposition politician.

On the occasion, the Brazilian government published a note to request compliance with the agreement: “The agreements, which established parameters for the holding of presidential elections this year, resulted from the dialogue table between the government and opposition mediated by Norway and received support, among others , Brazil and the USA”, said the text from the Brazilian government.

Lula spoke with Maduro about elections

On March 1st, Maduro told President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) that elections in Venezuela would be scheduled for the second half of this year and, after a “broad agreement with the opposition”, the election will have international observers and an audit of the results will be carried out.

According to Lula’s advisors, Maduro was the one who raised the issue of the elections. Before the bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) summit, as reported by Reuters, Lula had already decided to bring up the topic.

One of the issues was compliance with the Barbados agreement, mediated by the United States with support from Brazil, which led to an agreement with the opposition. The disqualification of oppositionist María Corina Machado in January raised doubts about whether the process would go as agreed, but a source told the Reuters news agency that the majority of the opposition treated the opposition leader’s withdrawal as an expected fact.

Venezuela from Essequibo

Lula also intended to raise the issue of Maduro’s fiery oratory on the Essequibo issue. There is a fear that, during the elections, the Venezuelan president will again threaten to occupy the region belonging to Guyana.

In an interview in Guyana, on Thursday, President Lula stated that he would tell Maduro about his position, that differences need to be resolved through dialogue.

Another topic of the meeting was Venezuela’s debt to Brazil. Maduro, who presented Lula with indices that show an improvement in the country’s economic indicators, such as inflation, said that his government would try to move forward in paying off the debt so that it would be possible to resume trade between the two countries.

Also according to Planalto, the two presidents also addressed the fight against illegal mining, especially in Yanomami indigenous lands, which cover areas of both countries.