Friday, October 18, 2024

The Labor Party won the British general election with an overwhelming majority.

Labour wins landslide victory in UK election .

Labour returns to power in England!  The Labour Party has won the British general election with a landslide majority of seats in Parliament.

Partial results show that Keir Starmer, the party leader, will become prime minister with at least 411 Labour MPs – slightly less than the total obtained by Tony Blair in 1997 – winning a majority by a margin of around 170 seats.

“Change starts now,” celebrated Starmer.

The Conservatives, meanwhile, lost power after 14 years in a catastrophic run — and are on track to achieve their worst results in history, with 119 seats so far.

The Liberal Democrats came in third place with at least 71 MPs, which represents a gain of 63 seats in the House .

The Scottish National Party is set to see its number of MPs reduced from 47 to nine, and the radical right-wing Reform UK, represented by Nigel Farage, which previously had no seats in Parliament, has gained four.

The Green Party , which had just one seat, will now have four seats, the same number of representatives as the Welsh Party (Plaid Cymru), which doubled its number of seats.

Following the announcement of the official result , King Charles III will ask Labour Party leader Keir Starmer, 61, to become prime minister and form a government.

The leader of the party with the second largest number of MPs will become the leader of the opposition.

The election came after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of the Conservative Party called an early general election in May and dissolved the British Parliament – something that is his legal prerogative .

‘Change starts now’, say Labour

Following the announcement of the result, Starmer said the change he promised would take effect immediately.

“Nós conseguimos”, ele disse. “A mudança começa agora.”

Em discurso a seus apoiadores, ele acrescentou:

“Em todo o nosso país, as pessoas vão ajustar com a notícia, aliviadas por terem finalmente retirado um fardo, um peso dos ombros, desta grande pátria.”

“O raio de Sol da esperança, fraco no primícias, mas cada dia mais possante, brilha mais uma vez sobre um país com a oportunidade, em seguida 14 anos, de restaurar seu porvir.”

Líder do Partido Trabalhista, Starmer foi eleito em 2020 para suceder Jeremy Corbyn na liderança da legenda. Anteriormente, foi director do Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), o Ministério Público do Reino Unificado.

‘Assumo a responsabilidade pela derrota’

Já o atual primeiro-ministro, Rishi Sunak, do Partido Conservador, reconheceu a guião e parabenizou o justador — ele deve apresentar formalmente sua repúdio ao rei nas próximas horas.

“O povo britânico emitiu um veredicto preocupante esta noite. Há muito para aprender e refletir. E assumo a responsabilidade pela guião”, afirmou Sunak.

Os conservadores tiveram o pior resultado da sua história. Eles perderam mais de 248 assentos, e vão descrever com 119 deputados.

Entre as baixas conservadoras, estão a ex-primeira-ministra Liz Truss, e o secretário de Resguardo, Grant Shapps.

‘Vitória espetacular’

Chris Mason, BBC News’ political editor, made the following analysis based on exit poll data that had already predicted Labour’s victory:

“Just take a look at these numbers.

The Conservatives, so often an election-winning machine, a successful powerhouse, are being pulverized, obliterated.

Just five years ago , Labour was crushed, humiliated – and reduced to its lowest number of seats since 1935.

People fell over themselves in expressing that Labour were doomed by a dozen .

Boris Johnson, just two years ago, was publicly reflecting on winning three terms, serving until 2030 .

And yet here , if this exit poll is anywhere near where we ended this morning, it points to a surprising Labour comeback.

They faced a Himalayan-scale climb to win by the narrowest of margins.

These numbers point to a victory with a kilometer advantage.

What does all this tell us?

That we live in a world of unprecedented electoral volatility – more people, in more places, are more willing to change their minds about politics more often and more quickly than ever before.

Tomorrow lunchtime (UK time ) it looks like we will have our fourth Prime Minister in less than two years.

And so the turmoil of British politics continues.

It is 27 years since the Labour Party won a general election from opposition.

It’s been 19 years since they won the general election and that’s that.

The history books of the last century tell us one thing: they are spectacularly good at losing elections – losing a lot, a lot more than they win.

But tonight they are on the verge of a spectacular victory.

Spectacular offered where they came from – the crisis.

But spectacular also by any metric, at any time, in any context – it is unexpected .

Remember, however, that a new government will face all the old problems that caused so much trouble to its predecessor – the cost of living, government finances, the fiscal burden , a dangerous world – no majority, however large, can extinguish these colossal challenges.”

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