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France and Brazil launch 3rd submarine in partnership

The third fruit of a partnership between Brazil and France.

The Tonelero submarine is already floating and will soon be submerging in Brazilian waters, the third result of a partnership between Brazil and France, within the scope of the Submarine Development Program (ProSub). The vessel’s christening and launching ceremony was attended by the presidents of both countries, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Emmanuel Macron, at the Itaguaí Naval Complex, located in the south of Rio de Janeiro.
“Today, Brazil is positioned within a small group of countries that dominate the construction of submarines. ProSub is the largest and most important international cooperation project on Defense matters in Brazil. It guarantees Brazilian sovereignty on our coast; strengthens the shipping industry, generating jobs and income; and promotes the development of the sector with a lot of innovation”, President Lula spoke during the event.
Lula recalled that, in 2025, the year in which the bicentenary of relations between the two countries will be celebrated, the Angostura, the fourth submarine in the program, will be launched. “President Macron and I agreed to expand this effort, with the creation of the Bilateral Armament Committee, focused on developing synergies and promoting greater balance in our trade in defense products,” he added.


In a speech, Macron said that the shipyard built to manufacture the submarine is one of the most modern in the world and the only one installed in South America. “We have never shared our know-how as much as we are doing now with Brazil. We are very proud to have done this”, said the French president.
Macron added that peaceful powers like France and Brazil have to “speak firmly and forcefully” if they do not want to be lackeys of other nations. “We have the same worldview. We reject a world that is a prisoner of conflict between two great powers. And we must defend our independence, our sovereignty and international law.”
The Navy Commander, Admiral Marcos Sampaio de Olsen, highlighted that Brazil and France share convergent interests across a broad spectrum, especially in the areas of security, combating climate change, sustainable development and human rights.
“Obtaining the nuclear-powered submarine, the largest asset of National Defense, will represent a differentiated increase in deterrence capacity and will strengthen national security and sovereignty”, argued the commander.
Also present at the event, the Minister of Defense, José Múcio, said that investments in the Armed Forces’ strategic projects go far beyond understanding exclusively the requirements for defending the Homeland. “We are talking about job creation, high qualifications, increased income and revenue.”


According to Planalto, the expectation is that ProSub will result in a “significant impact” on the country’s economy, generating more than 60 thousand direct and indirect jobs. Around 700 companies are involved in the project.
With more than 71 meters in length and 1,870 tons, the Tonelero submarine (Conventional Submarine with Diesel-Electric Propulsion) is the third vessel built under the program. Starting today, it will begin evaluation tests regarding stability in a maritime environment, as well as navigation and combat systems.
With the transfer of technology provided for in the partnership with France, Brazil will have increased capacity to design, build, operate and maintain its conventional and nuclear-powered submarines.
The partnership includes the construction of an industrial infrastructure complex and to support the operation of submarines, which will include shipyards, a naval base and a metallic structures manufacturing unit in Itaguaí.
“The impact on technology, provided by the development and improvement of innovations embarked on the submarine, will stimulate not only the Defense area, but also national civil sectors in the fields of Science, Technology and Innovation”, informed Planalto in a note.
ProSub has already resulted in the delivery of the Humaitá and Riachuelo submarines. The next delivery will be the Angostura conventional submarine. It is also planned to manufacture the Brazilian nuclear-powered submarine Álvaro Alberto.
“Equipped with modern sensors, missiles and torpedoes, the submarines built within the scope of ProSub have a high deterrent capacity as they are lethal weapons that are difficult to locate when submerged. The possibility of the presence of submarines in a maritime area forces any opposing naval force to mobilize many means and efforts to locate and combat these vessels”, detailed Planalto.
Source: Agência Brasil

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