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Donald Trump will pay at least £300,000 in legal costs.

Trump will pay legal costs to former British spy after losing case.

Dossier produced by Christopher Steele and his company highlighted alleged links between the Republican and Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Former American President Donald Trump will pay at least 300 thousand pounds (R$ 1.8 million) in legal costs to a former British spy, after losing a case against him, according to the decision taken by a London court this Thursday. fair (7).

On February 1, the British court rejected Trump’s lawsuit against Christopher Steele – in 2017, his company produced a dossier on alleged dealings with authorities and even orgies by the former US president in Russia.

Trump , 77, who is expected to run again for the White House, filed a complaint against Christopher Steele and the private company Orbis, founded by this former British intelligence agent.

In a decision revealed this Thursday by the British agency PA, the judge of the British Supreme Court ordered that Donald Trump must pay the procedural costs of the company Orbis “for the entire complaint”.

The former spy’s company valued these expenses at more than 600,000 pounds (R$3.6 million), according to the judge, who ordered Trump to pay half the amount, waiting for a specialized lawyer to decide the total amount. .

Data protection

During the campaign for the 2016 American election, Christopher Steele had collected unverified information linking Trump with Russia.

This led Trump to appeal to the High Court in London, based on data protection law, to defend himself against the report, which compiled raw and unverified information.

The complaint focused especially on two sections of that report that describe alleged orgies that Donald Trump participated in in St. Petersburg, as well as others with prostitutes in Moscow.

There are “no compelling reasons” to justify a trial, judge Karen Steyn ruled in February, because “whatever the merits of the complaint (…) the claim for damages is doomed to failure.”

See too:

Sweden officially joins NATO; know what changes.

Officialization occurs after Hungary approves the country’s entry into the military organization. Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson delivered the final documentation to the United States government this Thursday, the last step in the process of admission to the military Alliance.

Sweden joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) this Thursday (7).

The measure comes a week after the Hungarian parliament approved Sweden’s entry with 188 votes in favor and six against — after postponing the decision for more than 18 months. To join NATO, approval from all members of the organization was required.

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson delivered the final documentation to the United States government this Thursday, the last step in the process of admission to the military alliance. 

“Today is a truly historic day. Sweden is now a member of NATO. Sweden is a safer country today than we were yesterday. We have allies. We have support,” Kristersson said. “We will defend freedom together with the countries closest to us – in terms of geography, culture and values,” he added.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that  “everything changed” after Russia ‘s invasion   of Ukraine, citing polls showing a significant shift in Swedish public opinion about the country’s NATO membership. Blinken received the documents from the Swedish prime minister in his hands.

US President Joe Biden also celebrated Sweden’s entry into the alliance, which “has made NATO more united, determined and dynamic than ever.”

In a statement, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that “Sweden’s membership makes NATO stronger, Sweden safer and the entire alliance safer.”

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