Friday, October 18, 2024

72 days after the plane crash, they ate each other to survive.

The great survival story

A plane crash in the Andes Mountains, where a group of people survived for 72 days. It poses the question of what someone would be willing to do to survive and explores the moral dilemmas faced by survivors.

Surviving in extreme conditions

  • The plane crashed in a remote region of the Andes Mountains, leaving the survivors trapped in the snow for 72 days.
  • Survivors had to go beyond their limits and overcome moral values ​​to ensure their survival.

The details of the accident and the terrifying choices

An overview of the crash involving Flight 571 and presents the difficult choices the 16 survivors had to make to stay alive.

The Crash of Flight 571

  • FLIGHT 571 was transporting a rugby team and their families from Uruguay to Chile.
  • Due to an error in calculating the location, the plane descended prematurely into the Andes Mountains.
  • The collision with a mountain caused severe damage, leading to a remote accident location.

Terrifying choices for survival

  • Survivors faced extreme challenges such as freezing temperatures, scarcity of resources and lack of rescue.
  • They were forced to consider unthinkable actions to support themselves.

Aversion to unconventional food sources

Society’s aversion to consuming unconventional food sources when faced with extreme circumstances.

Challenging social norms

  • Under normal circumstances, people have a strong aversion to consuming things considered morally wrong or taboo.
  • However, when faced with no rescue or alternative food options, individuals may need to reconsider their values.

The beginning of the tragic journey

The details of VOO 57 1 ‘s ill-fated journey and the challenges faced by the survivors.

A routine trip turns tragic

  • FLIGHT 571 was initially planned as a routine trip to transport a rugby team and their families.
  • However, due to navigation errors, the plane crashed in a remote region of the Andes Mountains.
72 days after the plane crash, they ate each other to survive
72 days after the plane crash, they ate each other to survive

Growing challenges

  • The harsh weather conditions and high altitude posed significant challenges to survival.
  • Search efforts were hampered by inaccurate information about the crash site.

The fight for survival begins

The beginning of the passengers’ fight for survival after the initial shock of the accident.

Initial Shock and Losses

  • After surviving the initial crash, 33 people were trapped in freezing temperatures.
  • Five deaths occurred on the first night due to the extreme cold.

Resilience and overcoming adversity

Roberto Canessa’s remarkable story of resilience and how he emerged as an example of strength in the midst of adversity.

Roberto Canessa’s inspiring journey

  • Roberto Canessa, a 19-year-old medical student, demonstrated incredible determination despite his serious injuries.
  • His experiences during this ordeal shaped his life and became a source of lifelong lessons.

Creativity in Survival Tactics

How creativity played a crucial role in helping survivors endure extreme conditions.

Resourcefulness for Survival

  • Survivors used parts of the plane as makeshift shelters and shoes to combat freezing temperatures.
  • Creativity played a vital role in finding solutions to sustain their lives.

Survival challenges

Survivors faced numerous challenges, including a lack of food and resources. They resorted to consuming unconventional items like cotton, leather, and even the bodies of their deceased comrades to survive.

72 days after the plane crash, they ate each other to survive
72 days after the plane crash, they ate each other to survive

The food shortage

  • With limited supplies, including just eight bars of chocolate, a tin of mussels, three jars of jam, a bottle of wine, nuts, lollipops and dried fruit, the survivors struggled to make their food last.
  • As the days passed without finding any vegetation or animals nearby, desperation set in and they began consuming cotton, leather from airplane seats, shoe soles and everything within their reach.

Drastic measures

  • Nando Parrado made the difficult decision to use the bodies of the deceased as a source of food. This was an unimaginable alternative that they had previously only considered theoretically.
  • The survivors agreed that if someone died, their body could be used for sustenance. This decision was considered a taboo by society, but it became their only option for survival.

Despair and hopelessness

As the situation worsened, with no rescue efforts in sight and food supplies dwindling, survivors were faced with harsh realities. They found solace in a radio to stay updated on rescue efforts, but received devastating news about search cancellations.

Canceled research efforts

  • On November 11, 1972, survivors received news that search operations had been canceled due to a lack of food and rescue teams. This left them hopeless and desperate for a solution.

Unthinkable decision

  • Roberto Canessa took it upon himself to seek divine guidance when faced with grim reality. Reluctantly, some survivors agreed to consume the bodies of their deceased comrades as a means of survival.
  • Their decision to consume human flesh, even from people they knew personally, was proof of their irresistible desire to live.

Survival and Taboo

Survivors faced the moral dilemma of consuming human flesh to survive. They made a pact that if someone died, their body could be used as food. This decision challenged social norms and tested their resilience.

A difficult choice

  • Roberto Canessa, a medical student, led the process of using frozen strips of flesh from the bodies. Each survivor consumed as much as they could bear.
  • It was an irreversible decision that marked the end of their innocence and forced them to face the harsh reality of their situation.

Emotional Cost

  • Consuming the bodies of deceased pilots was easier for some survivors since they did not know them personally. However, it took time for others to accept this idea.
  • A woman refused to eat human flesh and tragically died weighing just 25 kg.

Avalanche and other challenges

The survivors faced additional challenges when an avalanche unexpectedly occurred, resulting in more deaths. Overcoming death and bloodshed became a test of endurance for the remaining 16 survivors.

Avalanche mortal

  • An avalanche hit the region, causing eight more deaths. Coping with so much loss and bloodshed has become an immense challenge for the remaining survivors.

Trapped under the snow

  • After being trapped under the snow for three days, the 16 survivors managed to escape. Two months have passed since the accident without any sign of rescue.

Journey for Help

Roberto Canessa and Nando Parrado decided to embark on a dangerous journey in search of help after two months without rescue efforts. They walked through the mountains, facing exhaustion and uncertainty.

Seeking assistance

  • Canessa and Parrado ventured toward Chile, despite having no map or mountaineering experience. They walked for nine exhausting days without finding any signs of human life.

A glimmer of hope

  • Finally, they saw a young man on horseback on the other side of the river. Using pen and paper, Canessa and Parrado wrote about their ordeal and threw the message across the river.

Miraculous Rescue

After 72 days of agony, three Chilean helicopters rescued the remaining survivors. Despite being malnourished, dehydrated and with broken bones, their suffering finally came to an end.

Lasting adversities

  • Survivors endured extreme conditions on top of a mountain for an incredible 72 days. They faced the cold, hunger, despair and even resorted to consuming materials such as rubber.

Inspiring story

  • The story of FLIGHT 571 became known as “The Miracle of FLIGHT 571 ” due to the rarity of surviving a plane crash in extreme circumstances.
  • This remarkable story of courage and resilience has inspired countless films, series, books, including the film “Alive”, released in 1993, and “The Snow Society”, based on the book by Roberto Canessa.

The survivors’ perspective

The perspective of Carlos, a survivor who sees the accident as a positive experience, despite the difficulties. It emphasizes the strength of human resilience and the importance of valuing each day.

Carlos’ Unique Perspective

  • Carlos sees the accident as a positive experience and not as a negative drama.
  • Despite facing challenges, he was able to overcome them and succeed.
  • Survivors’ stories highlight the strength of human resilience.
  • The narrative ends with a reflection on the importance of valuing each day and never giving up.

Life after rescue

  • Of the 45 people on board, only 29 initially survived.
  • After 72 days, only 16 survivors were found.
  • Currently, there are 14 survivors still alive.
  • The survivors returned to normal life after being rescued.
  • They completed their university studies and started families.
  • Some became vocal advocates for the miracle they experienced.

Sharing Lessons Learned

  • Several members of the group have published books about their experiences.
  • They became motivational speakers, sharing resilience lessons learned from this traumatic experience.
  • Some survivors became motivational speakers and shared their stories as testimony of overcoming adversity.

Notable survivors

  • Fernando Parrado returned to Monte Videl after the tragedy.
  • He dedicated years to motorsport and became a famous TV presenter and producer known for his motivational speeches.
  • Roberto Canessa, former national rugby player, became a pediatric cardiologist.
  • Gustavo Zerbino played rugby at national level, worked in the chemical industry and held leadership positions in sports organizations.
  • Other survivors pursued careers in different fields.

Overcoming Challenges

The way some survivors faced personal challenges after the accident. Carlos Pae Rodriguez struggled with alcohol and drug addiction, but eventually overcame them. Roberto Bob François focused on agriculture while Alfredo Delgado became a lawyer. Roy Harley became an industrial engineer, Eduardo Strauch pursued architecture alongside painting. Adolfo Strauch works as a farmer, while Daniel Fernandez became a businessman after studying agronomy.

Personal challenges faced by survivors

  • Carlos Pae Rodriguez struggled with alcohol and drug addiction, but managed to overcome them.
  • Roberto Bob François focused on agriculture.
  • Alfredo Delgado became a lawyer.
  • Roy Harley became an industrial engineer.
  • Eduardo Strauch studied architecture and painting.
  • Adolfo Strauch works as a farmer.
  • Daniel Fernandez became a businessman after studying agronomy.

Diverse career paths

  • José Pedro Algorta studied economics, worked as director of a beverage factory and later opened his own consultancy.
  • Álvaro Mangino worked for an air conditioning company and is involved in the Old Christians rugby team.
  • Ramon Sabela became a speaker and businessman after years of silence out of respect for the victims.

Reflections on courage

Viewers question whether they would have had the courage and strength to do what these survivors did to survive. This encourages viewers to share their opinions in the comments section.

Would you have had their courage?

  • Most of the survivors were in their 20s at the time of the accident.
  • They are now in their 70s.
  • Viewers are asked if they would have the courage and strength to do what these survivors did to survive.
  • Viewers are encouraged to share their opinions in the comments section.

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